


Rethban ore quest status showing up for all copper/tin mining nodes

matthewhively opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Questie version 6.3.12

All mining nodes all over the world (for instance westfall & deadmines) show rethban ore 0/5 tooltip



FYI, The bug still exists in Questie v6.5.0


I guess it's a low priority.


Wouldn't it be possible to do a zone check? If you're in the correct zone for the quest it'll modify the tooltip, and it won't otherwise?


Wow doesn't give object ids like they do npc ids. We need to compare object name with the database. So you either get all Copper / Tin veins or none.


Rethban Ore Quest


So I hopped back over to Kalimdor, and noticed on the map that it's showing Rethban Ore dotted all over the Barrens for some reason. It's not appearing in any other zone in Kalimdor, so not sure what's going on with that.


So I hopped back over to Kalimdor, and noticed on the map that it's showing Rethban Ore dotted all over the Barrens for some reason. It's not appearing in any other zone in Kalimdor, so not sure what's going on with that.

I suspect that is because you're currently in the barrens. I suspect if you moved to an adjacent zone the map would re-render to show in that zone instead.


The map looked like that when I was in Darkshore after getting off the boat (I was making the run to pick up the flight path in Ratchet, then take the boat to STV to get the fishing book) and decided to swing by while passing thru the Barrens and see if the quest markers actually turned up anything or if it was a bug. There were no quest icons for the Rethban ore in Darkshore while I was there, nor while running through Ashenvale.


Seems to have fixed itself with some DB update, it only shows tin/copper veins in Redridge Mountains now, and one NPC. (Only confirmed with marking the item through Advanced Search though, veins might be blacklisted for quest display; Either way it won't show all over the world anymore.)


Agree, this is not a new error. Noticed it pre tbc