


lag when loading in game

Dmeercat opened this issue ยท 6 comments


It seems as if every time I load in to wow I get lag for 5 seconds and when I hearthstone. I know its questie since I went through each addon individually.


It is something like this



@Dmeercat How long the lag is now?
It should be improved in v6.6.2, but not fully away. I just really like to know how much stuff so far has helped situation.


We made many improvements over the past month which increased the overall performance of Questie. I will close this, but feel free to open a new report is the performance is still/again an issue.


@Dmeercat Can you disable all addons except Questie, then start the profiler (/questie -> Advanced -> Start Profiler) and reproduce the lag by using the Hearthstone?

After you experienced the lag take a screenshot of the Profiler result and paste it here.




@Dmeercat I didn't think this through. Our profiler only records if it is open. Since you experience your lag on login the screenshot doesn't help (and also does not show anything bad).

Is your PC considered "good" or is it an old build?

Questie has to go through all quests to find out which to draw as available, complete, in progress and so on. That could lead to some lag, but shouldn't really be much of a problem.

Are you using the latest version of Questie? And is the lag really bad and freezes the game for some seconds?