


Possible Auto-Track Quests?

abennette32 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Would there be any way for the addon to automatically track all supported quests? At this time it's a bit annoying to have to track quests manually in the quest log for Questie to show them.


I just had a big conversation with someone who may help with development, about this topic here. the plan is to have things auto-plot the most efficient route through all objectives from the current location. It's going to take a bit of work but I'm fairly certain it's doable.


Ah, fantastic. Would you be interested in a site or forum by chance? That's what I do for a living and I'd love to set it up for free if you pay for the hosting/domain. I can recommend some nice cheap ones.

Might be easier to communicate for things there


It's funny you should mention it because that's essentially the same way I make bank. Though help is always appreciated, I'll have to get back to you on it. There are still a few things up in the air. (And that's a topic better discussed in other places)


I almost strictly do front end, and usually use some sort of CMS for the back end. Html/CSS/JS


A bit offtopic, but what do you two do exactly? Because frontend isn't exactly my forte, but I can provide a solid JEE backend. Only problem is I don't have that much experience routing Tomcat URLs behind an Apache (for static resources).
If you just want a cheap website advertising your addon, should be enough.