Lua error on the last version ( v6.5.0 TBC )
ftabarie opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Bug description
After the install, Questie asked to reinitialized data, things done, and now I have this on every char
Questie: [ERROR] Error during initialization! Usage: _RegisterComm("eventname", "methodname"): 'methodname' - method 'OnCommReceived' not found on self.
I tried a
/run QuestieLoader:ImportModule("QuestieOptions").tabs.advanced:Initialize().args.questieReset.func()
but here is the result
Questie: [Migration] Migrating Questie for v6.0.0
Questie: [Migration] Migrated Questie to v6.0.0 and removed 0 party entries from the Journey
Questie DB has updated! Data is being processed, this may take a few moments and cause some lag...
[1/7] Loading database...
[2/7] Applying database corrections...
[3/7] Initializing locale...
[4/7] Updating NPCs...
[Questie] The 'Midsummer' world event is active!
[5/7] Updating objects...
[6/7] Updating quests...
[7/7] Updating items...
Questie DB update complete!
Questie: [ERROR] Error during initialization! Usage: _RegisterComm("eventname", "methodname"): 'methodname' - method 'OnCommReceived' not found on self.
stil the same issue
Questie version
v6.5.0 TBC
Always restart your client after updating addons.
If this does not work. Delete Questie folder and reinstall Questie.
Thx bro, I just deleted the folder then reinstall it and now it works.
Is this because a conflict file was present from an older version ?
Addons have a .toc file telling which files the game should load for an addon. Those .toc files are read and parsed only at start of the game. If a character has the addon enabled, then files told in .toc file are read always when the character logins or interface is reloaded (/reload).