


QuestieTracker update called too often

Laumesis opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Bug description

Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update

Are run too often. Multiple times per quest objective item looting. Sometimes in row, sometimes triggered by different events.

And secondly:
Killing / looting multiple objects while staying in combat builds up huge backlog of QuestieTracker updates, which are run almost at once when getting out of combat.

Questie version

v6.5.1 and older and newer


Since we've completely rebuilt the tracker from the ground up, I'm going to go ahead and assume this one has been fixed by now and close this issue. Feel free to reopen if similar behavior still happens with the 8.0 tracker.