


TODO: Improve message popup: You just updated Questie but forgot to restart

Laumesis opened this issue ยท 3 comments


TODO: Improve message popup: You just updated Questie but forgot to restart

  • Add url to wiki how to reinstall Questie properly without losing saved variables. Or give instructions here in game.
    • People fail to find correct folder
    • People fail to restart the game fully. They do not exit the game client and start a new one.

To help troubleshooting users, maybe a bit obscured way that users won't go and edit files manually:

  • Add expected version of the addon
  • Add found version of the addon
  • Add folder name of addon (wow api GetAddOnInfo() )

Something like: If you are getting this message repeatedly even after restarting tha game, please follow instructions: ....
Or ehm. How to say it shorter?


Maybe add another button to it like "Help, I already restarted" ?


Closing this as the whole old version check has been decided to be removed while waiting Blizzard hopefully implement full addon reload at reload as 1.14 has by rumors.