


World map icons drawn also outside of the map window area

Laumesis opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Bug description

Using addon that displays world map as smaller window and allows zooming + panning around map, results quest icons shown also outside map area if map was open when those icons got generated.

Happens If world map is open when questie icons are populated. If world map is closed while icons are generated, things work okey.

This issue doesn't appear in default UI as it has full screen world map.

Edit: Reproduce steps:

  1. have Leatrix Maps addon and world map set to not full screen
  2. /reload and do next two steps before questie fully loads
  3. open the world map
  4. zone out to show whole Outland or Azeroth
  5. wait questie fully load and generate map icons
  6. zoom in the world map - do not change visible zone
  7. if needed, pan the map to move icons outside of the intended world map area


From discord bug report:

Questie version

v6.5.1 and older too