


Quest info on tooltips is inconsistent while using Hide icons of untracked quests

Laumesis opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. Player accepts a new quest (I tested with Wrangle More Aether Rays! (11066) daily)
  2. The quest gets tracked automatically
  3. Icons are show on map & tooltips of objectives show quest info
  4. Player untracks the quest
  5. Tooltips of objectives of the quest still show info of the quest

Different result:

  1. Player /reload ui or relogs
  2. Tooltips of objectives of the quest do not show info of the quest

Which one is intendede behavior? Which one someone should fix?



Hmmm... 🤔

I think it would be best to still show tooltips, even when "Hide icons of untracked quests"


Note: This bug existed even before the option "Hide icons of untracked quests".

@BreakBB - I think this is a decision you should make for the addon to be consistent:
Are untracked quests supposed to show up in tooltips?
If "yes", we should explicitly include them at load (or reload) time. (right now they're not)
If "no", we should remove them when untracking quests regardless of the newly added option to hide icons.