


Daily Quests vs Repeatable Quests; World map toggles

tyrianm opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello, I'd love for a pair of abilities to help make the world map more interactive and show more value when used:

  1. Have a blue ? for repeatable turn-in quests, and a blue ! for actual daily quests

Right now all 'repeatable' quests show up as a blue !, which doesn't delineate the important difference between a daily quest and a repeatable turn-in quest. Adding this feature would allow for easier path-finding for daily adventurers going about their grind, or regular folks trying to see when a daily quest is available to them.

  1. Have a filter toggle checkbox interface on the world map to select views on/off

When I'm looking at a zone or a world, I'd love to be able to trigger off "in progress quests", "new quests", "completed quests", "repeatable turn-in quests" and "daily quests", for example. Some method of being able to filter on/off points on the map while on that screen would make it more usable, where right now I need to go to the quest log to activate/deactivate tracking on individual quests, and can't filter out by the other criteria at all. This would allow better usage of the map, as it could be interacted with directly, and again to my point above, assist in path-finding (if I'm not interested in repeatable turn-in quests, I can just trigger them off)

Thanks for your consideration!