


ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails with new questie version

Offroads opened this issue · 85 comments


Bug description

After updating to latest version I get these errors on login and sometimes seemingly at random later on.
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails1109 - : 0/1
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8585 - : 0/1
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8585 - : 0/20
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8578 - : 0/1
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10601 - : 0/1
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8620 - : 0/1
[22:59:08] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails1446 - : 0/1


Have these quests in my log.

Questie & WoW version

Questie 6.9.0
TBC Classic


Could affected users also test disabling questie tracker and see if problem exists?

There might be multiple race conditions with questie tracker or with questie comms.
Or (more likely) there is something funny happening in game client cache invalidating stuff it already had cached fine from a game server - or rate limiting requests to the cache.

edit: FYI: We haven't managed to reproduce the problem yet, so hard to know exactly


Thanks @Offroads for reporting this. We are looking into it


Does a /reload fixes this?


Could you enable Debug prints (only DEBUG_CRITICAL) in the Questie settings, then do a /reload and check if you get a message similar to

[QuestieValidateGameCache] Quest log is ok. Good quest: 15/15

That would really help a lot.


[23:38:59] Questie: [CRITICAL] [Questie:OnInitialize] Questie addon loaded
[23:38:59] Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieValidateGameCache] Quest log is ok. Good quest: 18/18
[23:39:02] Questie: [CRITICAL] ERRRRORRRRRRR not mutually exclusive for questID: 6163


Appears to work now with debug enabled, on my alt as well that had the same issue. All quests loads fine in the quest log.


Still happens, this time on my alt after being logged in for maybe 10 minutes.

[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8560 - : 0/2
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8560 - : 0/5
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10098 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10098 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10098 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails11030 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10757 - : 0/2
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails9853 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10407 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10407 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails3741 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10601 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10578 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10647 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8367 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8367 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8367 - : 0/1
[23:53:35] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8367 - : 0/1


@Offroads Are you in group while error happens?


It has happened while in a group and not in a group. Last error was not in a group, standing in thunder bluff smelting ores or crafting blacksmithing stuff


Could you enable debug prints also for DEVELOP and INFO and attach past ~20s of debug prints when error occurs, please?
That will produce lots of unnecessary lines, sadly.


Think I managed to trigger it by moving a quest object from my bank to my bags, then back to bank.
[01:17:41] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:41] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:41] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:41] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:41] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:42] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:42] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:42] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:42] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:42] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32732
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_28490
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_28558
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_30797
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_35582
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_21368
[01:17:43] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] m_8357
01:17:46] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:46] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:47] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:47] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:47] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:47] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:47] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:48] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:48] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32733
[01:17:48] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] i_32863
[01:17:48] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] m_8357
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [Quest Event] BANKFRAME_CLOSED
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] CompareQuestHashes
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] Hash changed for questId: 8578
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] Hash changed for questId: 1109
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] Hash changed for questId: 10601
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] Hash changed for questId: 1446
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] Hash changed for questId: 8585
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieHash] Hash changed for questId: 8620
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 8578
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8578 - : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 8578 8578
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 1109
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails1109 - : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 1109 1109
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10601
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10601 - : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10601 10601
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 1446
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails1446 - : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 1446 1446
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 8585
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8585 - : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8585 - : 0/20
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/20
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/20
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 8585 8585
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 8620
[01:17:50] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8620 - : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for : 0/1
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 8620 8620
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [Quest Event] BANKFRAME_CLOSED
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[01:17:50] Questie: [DEVELOP] [Quest Event] QUEST_LOG_UPDATE


Also happens to me while in a raid group


@Offroads Just one easy check - how you installed new v6.9.0 version? Could you try delete the Questie folder from addons and reinstall Questie? To make sure there is not some old files messing up - even they should not mess up. 😅

Settings and stuff should stay unchanged as those are elsewhere. as long as addon manager won't mess up stuff.


I use wowup to manage addons.

Did a check, moved the questie folder somewhere else, downloaded and put installed it again.
Made this repo and replaced the files with what i downloaded, no difference according to github desktop client.

Can't consistantly recreate the issue. Tried moving quest items around again as well as closing the bank again like I did earlier, no error.
Started typing respons here, went back to wow and closed bank and then the error came again.
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails11079 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails11059 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails11078 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10165 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8578 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails1109 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10601 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10634 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails1446 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8585 - : 0/1
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8585 - : 0/20
[01:51:39] Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8620 - : 0/1

Unfortunately I had the extra debug options turned off


@Spotnick2 Could you please try completely deleting and then re-installing Questie with a closed WoW client? Realise you might not be able to during raid, after is also fine.

Nevermind, see below.


Thanks for testing. Just to be sure, you had the WoW client closed during reinstalling, right?

Anyway, seems it's bug in the code somewhere, we'll investigate and let you know if we need additional info or have a fix for testing (we still don't have reproduction on our side so far).

Just FYI if you are proficient with git you should be able to just clone the Questie into the Addons directory. At least that still worked last time I was subbed.


2nd thing to exclude one posibility: Could you disable all other addons?


Things he posted already implied it doesn't happen to every quest as far as I could read the game outputs. But yes it would nice to know for sure.


I am curious @Offroads is the error thrown for every quest you have in your quest log or are there some which are not affected?


@Offroads or anyone else having the bug:
Have you experience the bug before you have seen a loading screen in game? A loading screen from login or /reload does not count.

Edit: And before being in a group.


Please test this as a new Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua .
Copy over old and /reload and enter dungeon / change continent. Doesn't fix layering related issue if it also triggers the bug.

The file adds this to SmoothReset:

      local isQuestLogGood = true
       for i = 1, MAX_QUEST_LOG_INDEX do
                local title, _, _, isHeader, _, _, _, questId = GetQuestLogTitle(i)
                if (not title) then
                    break -- We exceeded the data in the quest log
                if (not isHeader) then
                    local objectiveList = C_QuestLog.GetQuestObjectives(questId)
                    for _, objective in pairs(objectiveList) do -- objectiveList may be {}, which is also a valid cached quest in quest log
                        if (not objective.text) or string.sub(objective.text, 1, 1) == " " then
                            -- Game hasn't cached the quest fully yet
                            isQuestLogGood = false      
                            -- No early "return false" here to force iterate whole quest log and speed up caching
      if not isQuestLogGood then
           Questie:Debug(Questie.DEBUG_INFO, "[SmoothReset] Quest log is NOT yet okey.")
           return false
      Questie:Debug(Questie.DEBUG_INFO, "[SmoothReset] Quest log is ok.")
      return true

Wow client open during first update to newest version. Restarted client after install.
Closed during 2nd installation.

Bug has happened multiple times after logging in to thunder bluff, doing nothing but crafting or opening bank(no loading screen). Has also happened immediately after heartstone to shattrath.

Only been in group once after updating, thats when I initally got errors.

Have downloaded the updated QuestieQuest.lua and will let you know if I see any errors or if it seems ok. Have the extra debugging turned on while I don't need to see chat.


Looting mailbox. Issue happened again. But with the update it fixed itself again, rerfeshing the quest tracker multiple times.
a ton of debug messages so only have some of them here:

[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Ivory Scarab
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Ivory Scarab
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Brood of Nozdormu: Revered / Friendly
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Brood of Nozdormu: Revered / Friendly
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 8560 8560
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10098
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] The Saga of Terokk
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for The Saga of Terokk
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Terokk's Mask
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Terokk's Mask
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Terokk's Quill
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Terokk's Quill
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10098 10098
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 11030
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Unstable Flask of the Beast
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Unstable Flask of the Beast
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 11030 11030
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10757
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Fel Iron Bar
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Fel Iron Bar
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Arcane Dust
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Arcane Dust
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Mote of Fire
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Mote of Fire
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10757 10757
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 9853
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Gurok's Earthen Head
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Gurok's Earthen Head
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 9853 9853
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10407
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] First Half of Socrethar's Stone
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for First Half of Socrethar's Stone
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Second Half of Socrethar's Stone
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Second Half of Socrethar's Stone
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10407 10407
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 3741
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Hilary's Necklace
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Hilary's Necklace
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 3741 3741
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10601
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Kagrosh's Pack
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Kagrosh's Pack
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10601 10601
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10578
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Third Fragment of the Cipher of Damnation
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Third Fragment of the Cipher of Damnation
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10578 10578
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 10647
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Uvuros's Fiery Mane
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Uvuros's Fiery Mane
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 10647 10647
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest] 8367
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Arathi Basin Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Arathi Basin Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Alterac Valley Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Alterac Valley Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieQuest:PopulateObjective] Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [INFO] Registering objective tooltips for Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] Questid 8367 8367
[19:29:29] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieComms] partyType nil
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: ResetLinesForChange
[19:29:32] Questie: [DEVELOP] QuestieTracker: Update

Any way to output this to a file or something if it's helpful?


I'm having the same issue. Our guild moved to a new server so I just transferred 6 toons from the old server to the new one.
The error happened yesterday on the old server and today on the new one (but not on the same toon). As part of the move, I deleted the global saved variables file for Questie. Activity on the new server has been limited to joining the guild, adding guild note, opening mail, bank, and AH to populate Altoholic. No grouping or questing yet.

Things are pretty chaotic from the move. I'll keep an eye on developments here. I use WowUp to update addons.


Adding another datapoint for invalidation happening by zone as I mentioned in the duplicate.


The chat spam happened on the first kill of a Saltstone Gazer 1/6 (at the bottom of the tracker) in Shimmering Flats.

You can see in the tracker partial which objectives are no longer cached.


I am getting the same errors on all of my toons, haven't transferred to a new realm or anything, just started showing up after last update.


Yeah same problem. Seems to happen when new people join a group im in or someone comes online in guild and stuff like that.


Thank you guys for keep reporting this issue.

We are still looking for the reason why this happens and especially in such an inconsistent manner.

It would be great if everyone who has the time try to play a bit with just Questie active and see if this issue can still happen. This would help us to know if it is a conflict with another addon or just a new behaviour of the WoW client.


Also happened to me when I group with my 2nd account. I did uninstall and reinstall everything.


Same problem since the latest update.
Mostly solo levelling for me


same problem - happens once after every log in or reload at seemingly random times. Also, it seems to happen when closing bank after transferring some items back and forth


Happening to me aswell

Mostly happend when logged in for the first time of the day, it will throw a lua error and then after a few /reload it will stop doing it

Adding the lua error:

Message: Interface\AddOns\Questie\Database\QuestieDB.lua:625: attempt to call field 'QueryQuest' (a table value)
Time: Mon Apr 18 16:55:43 2022
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Questie\Database\QuestieDB.lua:625: attempt to call field 'QueryQuest' (a table value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\RXPGuides\functions.lua"]:527: in function ?' [string "@Interface\AddOns\RXPGuides\RXPGuides.lua"]:1404: in function UpdateBottomFrame'
[string "@interface\AddOns\RXPGuides\RXPGuides.lua"]:979: in function <Interface\AddOns\RXPGuides\RXPGuides.lua:966>
[string "@interface\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:16: in function <Interface\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:14>

Locals: self =

step =
element =
obj = 1
requestFromServer = true
text = "Retrieving quest data..."
questId = 10380
tag = "complete"
element =
step =
element =
obj = 1
requestFromServer = true
text = "Retrieving quest data..."
questId = 10380
tag = "complete"
step =
level = 0
aldor = ""
index = 202
elements =
icon = ""
id = 10380
skip = nil
questConversion =
9684 = 63866
IsQuestTurnedIn = defined =[C]:-1
IsQuestComplete = defined @interface\AddOns\RXPGuides\functions.lua:67
questMonster = ".* slain: %d+/%d+"
db =
FactionGroup = "Horde"
questDataOverrides =
itemCompilerOrder =
questKeys =
npcFlags =
objectDataOverrides =
_npcAdapterQueryOrder =
questData = "return {
[1] = {"The "Chow" Quest (123)aa",{nil,nil,nil,},{nil,nil,},1,4,0,nil,{"Kill Kobold Vermin, 2 of em.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,15,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,},
[2] = {"Sharptalon's Claw",{nil,nil,{16305,},},{{12696,},nil,},20,30,690,nil,{"Bring Sharptalon's Claw to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},16305,nil,{6383,},nil,{23,24,},nil,331,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,{{81,250},},},
[5] = {"Jitters' Growling Gut",{{288,},nil,nil,},{{272,},nil,},17,20,1101,nil,{"Speak with Chef Grual.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},nil,nil,{163,},nil,nil,nil,10,nil,nil,nil,nil,93,8,nil,nil,{{72,25},},},
[6] = {"Bounty on Garrick Padfoot",{{823,},nil,nil,},{{823,},nil,},2,5,1101,nil,{"Kill Garrick Padfoot and bring his head to Deputy Willem at Northshire Abbey.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{182,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,{18,},nil,nil,nil,9,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,8,nil,nil,{{72,150},},},
[7] = {"Kobold Camp Cleanup",{{197,},nil,nil,},{{197,},nil,},1,2 IsActiveEventQuest = defined @interface\AddOns\Questie\Database\QuestieDB.lua:392
IsComplete = defined @interface\AddOns\Questie\Database\QuestieDB.lua:374
factionTemplate =
IsParentQuestActive = defined @interface\AddOns\Questie\Database\QuestieDB.lua:442
objectKeys =
questCompilerTypes =
objectKeysReversed =
QueryNPC =
GetQuestsByZoneId = defined @interface\AddOns\Questie\Database\QuestieDB.lua:1131
itemKeys =
objectData = "return {
[31] = {"Old Lion Statue",{248,249,},{94,},{[44]={{84.49,46.83},},},44,},
[32] = {"Sunken Chest",nil,nil,{[44]={{41.52,54.66},},},44,},
[33] = {"Locked Chest",nil,{140,},{[40]={{25.97,16.91},},},40,},
[34] = {"Old Jug",{140,},{139,},{[40]={{40.63,17.03},},},40,},
[35] = {"Captain's Footlocker",{138,},{136,},{[40]={{25.91,47.75},},},40,},
[36] = {"Broken Barrel",{139,},{138,},{[40]={{40.52,47.79},},},40,},
[38] = {"Captain Sanders Chest",nil,nil,nil,0,},
[41] = {"Ambassador's Locker",nil,nil,{[10]={{64.99,66.12},},},10,},
[47] = {"Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore",{180,},nil,{[44]={{26.75,46.44},},},44,},
[52] = {"Fall of Gurubashi",nil,nil,{[33]={{22.95,12.02},},},33,},
[54] = {"The Emperor's Tomb",nil,nil,{[33]={{24.7,8.93},},},33,},
[55] = {"A half-eaten body",{45,},{37,},{[12]={{72.66,60.34},},},12,},
[56] = {"Rolf's corpse",{71,},{45,},{


Hey @Naniq your error is something completely different. It looks like you have a broken installation of Questie. Remove the Questie folder and/or use an addon manager for a fresh install.


Your error originates from RXPGuides addon - which seems to use Questie's internal functions.


I've been having the same issue, however, it was also causing my game to hang up on loading screens and proceed in stopping the game from responding. Once I turned the addon off, the issue resolved.


I get it every time I port to area 52 think I've only ever seen it once in Nagrand but long ago but last few days it happens EVERY TIME

Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails9831 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails8288 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10704 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10704 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails3802 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10885 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10885 - : 0/1
Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails10884 - : 0/1


I found what is causing it (hopefully). Changing zones and killing quest mobs (before and after) will cause this bug. It's definitely something related to this. Something about updating quest objectives when you are not in the zone for the quest. Dig into this please.


Greetings. Just added this same info in the Discord, but I'm copying it here too for trazabilty.
After some testing, I believe (with all reserves) ### that it might be a conflict with the Altoholic addon ### (more precisely, with the DataStore modules it relies upon). With that addon disabled I've been able to play for almost an hour without any error popping up. Due to the random nature of the error I cannot confirm it 100%, but I believe it's a very solid guess, as it happened to me constantly before

I don't use that addon and it happens to me at random times. It's definitely 100% related to the last update. Before that it was fine.

Yes, it's something related to the latest update of Questie; this didn't happen before the update.

But also, I'm pretty sure it's a conflict (of this latest new version) with some other addon, as it doesn't seem to happen when playing with ALL other addons diasabled


Greetings. Just added this same info in the Discord, but I'm copying it here too for trazabilty.

This error has been happening to me constantly and I've done some tests by enabling ONLY Questie and disabling all other addons, to report what happens. Then enabling one addon at a time.

Problem is, it happens seemingly at random and I've been unable to figure out a pattern to reproduce it consistently. Sometimes happens when moving items to/from the bank, sometimes when reading mail, sometimes when looting Quest items, and sometimes when completing quests

Edited: --- Removed info about Altoholic addon. Though it could be the cause, but it has just happened to me again now :/


Greetings. Just added this same info in the Discord, but I'm copying it here too for trazabilty.

After some testing, I believe (with all reserves) ### that it might be a conflict with the Altoholic addon ### (more precisely, with the DataStore modules it relies upon). With that addon disabled I've been able to play for almost an hour without any error popping up. Due to the random nature of the error I cannot confirm it 100%, but I believe it's a very solid guess, as it happened to me constantly before

I don't use that addon and it happens to me at random times.
It's definitely 100% related to the last (questie) update. Before that it was fine.



Like others, I've been getting this error. Pops up when I login, then after any loading screen. Also, I'm getting it right now as people join this PUG raid 1 by 1. Only some of the people, and the amount of errors is different per person.


I kept a log of what I did this morning and the errors I got. Including disabling all addons and re-enabling them one by one.
Questie Error.pdf


I have also been receiving this error, but only once.

Only happens when I hearth back to Shattrath for me, that I've noticed. Please let me know if I can provide any more information to help.


I'm seeing this error frequently across all characters since updating Questie to 6.9.0. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help diagnaose the issue. It's very easy to reproduce for me, simply logging into the game or changing zones spams my chat with these messages.


Hey @jhenry82 Do you have any quests tracked in the quest log? Do you do anything quest related? Does the issue also appears, when you have only Questie active and no other addon?


Also for those of you experiencing this issue a lot of times: As a last resort: Can you roll back to the previous Questie version to verify it is related to the latest changes we did?


@BreakBB I've rolled back to v6.8.7 and am no longer seeing the errors. In v6.9.0, I checked the quest IDs that were throwing the errors and noticed they were ones that required you to collect items. The ones which don't require items weren't throwing errors.


What zanxe said is what I have experienced as well. And the quest that gives the error doesn't need to be one you are interacting with at that moment. For example, my shaman has 2 quests in their quest log. I looted an item for quest 1, and quest 2 is the one listed in the error. But it didn't throw an error for the other 5 times I looted an item for quest 1.


Thanks @Zanxe @ApologeticMoose and @bigjay108 for testing with the older version. Could you guys do us another favor and activate the critical debug logs while using the old Questie version? We think the error was "always" there but simply not causing this much trouble.

You will also see some other "critical" logs when using this, but most of them are nothing you have to worry about. The most interesting one we are looking for is:

[QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet.

You can activate the critical logs in the Questie settings: /questie -> Advanced -> "DEBUG_CRITICAL"

Your setting should then look similar to this:



Also for those of you experiencing this issue a lot of times: As a last resort: Can you roll back to the previous Questie version to verify it is related to the latest changes we did?

Deleted the folder for Questie 6.9.0 and installed 6.8.7. Working with zero errors for an hour or so across multiple characters, loading and banking.


I just received this error.
Looks different but I think it's the same. It happened when I went out of agro while doing the quest 'Goodnight, Gronn'

Loaded: LFG Bulletin Board 2.61 by Vyscî-Whitemane 
Questie: Hiding drop-down menus on the World Map. This is currently necessary as a workaround for a bug in the default Blizzard UI related to drop-down menus. 
 Welcome to ElvUI version 2.43, type /ec to access the in-game configuration menu. If you are in need of technical support you can visit us at [] or join our Discord: []  
 Please use /ehelp for a list of available ElvUI commands. 
 [Attune] v253 by Cixi@Remulos. Type /attune to start. 
 LootAppraiser: ENABLED. 
 ThreatClassic2 v2.43 - Type /tc2 for options. 
 AddOnSkins Embed System: - Main: '' 
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [Questie:OnInitialize] Questie addon loaded 
 Zygor Guides Viewer: Activated guide: Professions\Herbalism\Farming Guides\Kingsblood 
 Zygor Guides Viewer: Server Trends for Pyrewood Village created. Trend quality: Low. 
 Zygor Guides Viewer: 721 guides are loaded. 
 Questie: [CRITICAL] ERRRRORRRRRRR not mutually exclusive for questID: 10025 
 Changed Channel: [2. General - Blade's Edge Mountains] 
 Changed Channel: [4. LocalDefense - Blade's Edge Mountains] 
 Grulloc grows massively powerful! 
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10253 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10253 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10253 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10747 objective= 1 text=  : 0/10 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10747 objective= 1 text=  : 0/10 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10747 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9853 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9853 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 9853 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9717 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9717 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 9717 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'

I also went back and followed above suggestions. Did a few quests but only below error popped up once. I don't think it's related to this issue but Ill leave that up for you.



I went back on the earlier version yesterday, havent had any errors since.


Nice @Koal4 thanks for testing this! Yes, this helps A LOT and is the same issue 👍🏻


I don't think it's related to this issue but Ill leave that up for you.

That is exactly related to the issue.

Could you test this version? Please disable Enable Debug in Questie Settings. This version throws interesting messages also as error-prints. I'm afraid there will be too much even those.

Delete old Questie folder, and copy this one. Restart game client.


I don't think it's related to this issue but Ill leave that up for you.

Could you test this version? Please disable Enable Debug in Questie Settings. This version throws interesting messages also as error-prints. I'm afraid there will be too much even those.

Delete old Questie folder, and copy this one. Restart game client.

I Followed above suggestions and did 1 quest. Also flew to Shat and go to stormwind to get new skills since I levelled.
So far the error didn't popped up. Usually I have it pretty fast after logging in and playing.

Only saw this

I need to work now but I will continue to play/test later this afternoon.


@Koal4 That critical error message is something else, which I fixed in 525556b


@BreakBB @Laumesis

I've been questing last couple of hours and I haven't seen the errors the 'QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails' at all. Only time I've seen it was with the above quest. Might be a one off.

So far it's looking good for me :)


Nvm I just had it again.
While doing the 'Mark V is Alive!' quest. Happened when i picked up the red crystal (q item)

 ` Changed Channel: [2. General - Netherstorm] 
 Changed Channel: [4. LocalDefense - Netherstorm] 
 Spymaster Thalodien says: ...and just look at where that got us! 
 TSM: Sold [Hauyne Ring of the Wolf]x1 for 8g 54s 05c to Moonblaze 
 TSM: Sold [Reaver Epaulets of Healing]x1 for 11g 40s 00c to Ninadobrevx 
 TSM: Sold [Netherweave Cloth]x20 for 2g 28s 57c to Oomkim 
 TSM: Sold [Netherweave Cloth]x20 for 2g 28s 57c to Oomkim 
 TSM: Sold [Netherweave Cloth]x20 for 2g 28s 57c to Oomkim 
 TSM: Sold [Netherweave Cloth]x20 for 2g 28s 57c to Oomkim 
 TSM: Sold [Serpent Flesh]x8 for 4g 47s 34c to Copperore 
 TSM: Total Gold Collected: 41g 51s 27c 
 Exarch Orelis says: Even you must admit that your information from defectors is outdated and unreliable.  Let us make calculated attacks on these manaforges and gather what information we can. 
 Spymaster Thalodien says: Finally some talk of action from the big guy! 
 [2] [Budhax]: can anyone help me killing big guy for [[70+] Full Triangle (10276)] 
 Spymaster Thalodien says: Look, sweetheart.  No one's talking about storming Tempest Keep ourselves, but when we see a target of opportunity we have to take it. 
 Exarch Orelis says: Hold your tongue, knave!  Do not dare use that tone with a priestess of the Light! 
 Magistrix Larynna says: [Thalassian] DOr shar'adore da shando  
 Magistrix Larynna says: We've told you all there is to know!  Do you forget that many of us used to be trusted followers of Kael'thas? 
 Spymaster Thalodien says: ...and just look at where that got us! 
 Exarch Orelis says: Even you must admit that your information from defectors is outdated and unreliable.  Let us make calculated attacks on these manaforges and gather what information we can. 
 Spymaster Thalodien says: Finally some talk of action from the big guy! 
 Discovered Ruins of Enkaat: 1160 experience gained 
 Quest accepted: Recharging the Batteries 
 Quest accepted: Mark V is Alive! 
 Maxx A. Million Mk. V says: All systems on-line.  Prepare yourself, we leave shortly. 
 Bot-Specialist Alley says: Be careful in there and come back in one piece! 
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10253 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10253 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10253 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9853 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9853 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 9853 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10173 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10173 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10173 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10261 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10261 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10261 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10265 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10265 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10265 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 8413 objective= 1 text=  : 0/2 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 8413 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9717 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 9717 objective= 1 text=  : 0/1 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 9717 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [CRITICAL] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieLib:GetQuestObjectives] Objective not cached yet. questId= 10355 objective= 1 text=  : 0/5 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua"]:138: in function `GetQuestObjectives'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1256: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Questie: [ERROR] [QuestieQuest:GetAllLeaderBoardDetails] Objectives not yet cached. 10355 
 [string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1269: in function `GetAllLeaderBoardDetails'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Quest\QuestieQuest.lua"]:1188: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function `Update'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:2340: in function `func'
 Maxx A. Million Mk. V says: Proceed. 
 [2] [Anatoria]: LFM [[70+] Shutting Down Manaforge Ara (10323)]`

Could you please enclose your logs into between ``` ``` to make it somewhat readable.
Thanks so far. No need to report further v6.8.7 "error" messasges tracing back to
[string "@interface\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua"]:1406: in function Update.


I rolled back to the old version today (my previous posts were based on the newest update). I am now running v6.8.7

I was given these errors today while doing PVP. I did around 6 or 7 2v2 skirmishes and one AV. All I did was sit in shatt while my partner queued us up. I didn't receive any errors while using my bank (which triggers it in the newest update) , only when joining or leaving an arena/bg. Over the course of about an hour to an hour and a half, I only received these errors twice. It does not happen consistently
Questie Error (Old version).pdf


In addition, I've noticed that it is always the same quests throwing the errors for me on my toons. All of the quests I had to turn in t3 gear. (9115, 9117, 9118) as well as one of my rep grind quests with the wintersaber guys (4970).

When I played my shaman, it was the same one of her quests too that gave me the error, the second quest in her log never threw errors for me.

In regards to the 9115, I have all the items needed for the quest in the bank except for the 12 cloth scraps and it's saying 0/12 in the error. Same with 4970. I don't have any of the quest item on me or in my bank and it is saying 0/5. This is consistent across all error messages and all toons I log into.


Hey @ApologeticMoose yeah the error you posted in your latest PDF is basically the "Questie: [ERROR] ERROR! Something went wrong in GetAllLeaderBoardDetails" but in the old version. So the same error still happens, but it is simply handled/printed differently.

Others also already reported that the error only pops up for quests which require you to collect some items. So your information fits right into it, thanks 👍🏻


The team was not yet able to reproduce it or to find the root cause @mykkenny 🙈 Even though we are testing this quite intense. I never experienced this myself even though I leveled over 60 levels with this version of Questie and have been using the version for multiple month (while development).

Laume posted in this comment a version of Questie with extended logging whose output could be helpful for further investigation.

As a workaround for now rolling back to the previous version helps to hide the error (it is still there not explicit printed though).


It almost certainly seems related to quests where you must collect X items - I have the key quest for Shattered Halls, which requires me to collect Mote of Fire x4, and without fail every time I pick some up while mining it triggers - as long as I didn't have any in my bags when I first logged in.

I'll look at installing that modded version Lau provided and try to trigger it again with the Motes of Fire.


Yeah others also reported this error only triggers for quests which require you to collect items.

If you can reproduce this consistently that might help quite a lot. Most users experience this issue often, but not always when repeating the same action.

Looking forward to your report 💪🏻


@BreakBB Is there any progress with this bug? Love the addon - I don't know anyone NOT using it! - but feels like it's been ongoing a while. Is there anything ruled out? Anything we can do to help track it down?


Another thing which might be related:

Do any (or all) of you use the "LootReserve" addon?


@BreakBB Did some testing:

I am on the quest

I have 7 Motes of Fire in my bank. I open my bank, and wait at least 30 seconds. I close my bank and the errors occur - one error for each item (regardless of stack size) required for each collection quest - the error contains the quest ID, I noticed.

I open my bank again, move the motes of fire to my bag, wait 30s again and close the bank, and get errors only relating to this one quest - one error per item, even the 4/4 count for my motes (so doesn't seem to be missing items). I also notice that the Questie quest log frame is... weird?

I move the motes back to my bank, wait 30s and again the errors, but only the missing items... quest tracker even weirder:

And finally move the motes back to my bag, close bank after 30s and only one error relating to the 4/4 motes I have:

So it is reproduceable in this way, hope this helps.

Do any (or all) of you use the "LootReserve" addon?

I do, will try again without it.


@BreakBB I have tested with the LootReserve addon disabled, and the error stops completely. I re-enabled LootReserve, and I can generate the errors consistently again by simply opening my bank, waiting 30s, and closing it again.


Further info for reproducing:

Opening and closing the bank again after a 30s wait will only work the first time per session, you have to /reload your UI for it to work again.

However, it will produce errors again in the same session if you move a collectable quest item (such as Motes of Fire in my example above) from your bank to your bag (or vice versa), wait 30s, and close the bank.


Do any (or all) of you use the "LootReserve" addon?

I do, an i have the errors on every zone change (entering instance and so on).


I also use LootReserve.

It would be strange if LootReserve forcing items to cache causes quest caching to fail, the two seem unrelated but Blizzard's ways are mysterious ..


I also have LootReserve. I'll try turning it off and see if that has an effect.


I also use lootreserve. I'll play for a while with it disabled and see if I get any of the errors while I play


Yes, I noticed that after Loot Reserve is disabled, I haven't gotten any errors yet.


Thank you all for giving feedback about LootReserve!

I was able to finally reproduce this issue as well after installing LootReserve which will help a ton to find a possible solution for it.

For now to "fix" these errors: Disable LootReserve or roll back to the previous Questie version.


Thank you all for giving feedback about LootReserve!

I was able to finally reproduce this issue as well after installing LootReserve which will help a ton to find a possible solution for it.

For now to "fix" these errors: Disable LootReserve or roll back to the previous Questie version.

I do NOT have LootReserve, and I have also seen this error (though not in a consistent manner).


I do NOT have LootReserve, and I have also seen this error (though not in a consistent manner).

LootReserve doesn't do something unique to that addon.
Other addons that try to cache items en masse will probably have a similar effect.

The only thing I can say after looking at LootReserve code is that it uses a very convoluted way to force cache uncached items using the "old" tooltip loading method instead of using the ItemMixin utility Blizzard provides.

I'm not sure that would change something and in any case as I said in the beginning if causing a bunch of GET_ITEM_INFO_RECEIVED events to fire breaks quest caching, LootReserve will not be the only addon that does that.

A bunch of DKP addons, loot helpers, AtlasLoot etc will be caching items to some extent.


@BreakBB No worries! Glad things are progressing towards a solution, if theres anything I can do to help let me know :)


Just FYI the latest release did NOT fix this issue for me, it persists and only disabling LootReserve resolves this for me.


Yeah @mykkenny that is true and intended (as seen in the changelog). We are currently in the process to filter the best solution among multiple ways to fix this entirely.


Fixed in v6.12.0


Hey @Naniq if you experience any issue, feel free to open up a new issue. This topic is closed and fixed for quite some time now 😓