


show only quests for current zone

Galenthor opened this issue · 5 comments


I have been looking for awhile now to see if there is a way I can set this, since questie seems super focused on trying to show me everything at once... I am one of those players who prefer to try to do the quests one zone at a time, but I can't seem to find a way to get questie to only show me the quests for the zone I am currently in... is there any way I can get the addon to do that?


Hey @Galenthor Do you mean to only show the quests on the world map/minimap?


This was a planned feature... to only show quests with objectives in the current zone in the tracker.

But it fell by the wayside.


This was working in the predictive routes branch that @AeroScripts had created about a year ago. Some of that code may still be salvageable.


There was a popular "Tracker" add-on in Wrath that had this behavior. People coming back for Wrath will be looking for something like this. Just a "no hassle" tracker that auto sorts what they need to look at in the zone. No manual interaction at all, ideally.

Quest's "by zone" is really dumb, totally useless since so many quests have objectives outside of their set zone. It doesn't really help or matter if something is an STV Quest or a Druid Quest... if the objective is in the zone you're in you'll want to knock it out.

Anyway that's the back story here, why I've been pushing for this feature for so long now. It was a core feature of a really popular add-on in Wrath. It made questing more focused, streamlined, faster. And without ever having to muck with the tracker... "What should I show?" BS. Just all the relevant stuff, nothing that wasn't. Good UX. (=
