


Missing Quest: 'Jonespyre's Request'

kev41 opened this issue · 12 comments


Missing Quest: 'Jonespyre's Request'


Horde Side or Alliance?

This is one of those dual faction quest lines. Jonespyre's Request requires Morrowgrain Research to be completed before it shows on the map as a quest. However, Jonespyre's Request is showing the same "required" hash: ['rq']=461774661 for both the Horde and the Alliance side. So I need to know which one are you so I can fix it.


I've done the quest a LONG time ago back in the real vanilla wow days but not since then. I have no idea if Jonespyre's Request requires you to do Morrowgrain Research first or not. According to the database you do. But if you're in game and you are able to pick up the quest without doing Morrowgrain Research then let me know and I'll remove the ['rq'] flag.

You could just search through the addendum.lua file for Jonespyre's Request in the Database directory and remove the ['rq'] flags. Save and reload your UI. See if the ! appears above the NPC.

  ['name']="Jonespyre's Request",
  ['startedBy']="Innkeeper Shyria",
  ['finishedBy']="Quintis Jonespyre",
  ['rr']=77, <-- remove the last character from this line... the comma
  ['rq']=461774661 <-- delete this line

  ['name']="Jonespyre's Request",
  ['finishedBy']="Quintis Jonespyre",
  ['questLevel']='50', <-- remove the last character from this line... the comma
  ['rq']=461774661  <-- delete this line

Just to be sure the info in the DB is accurate... what level are you currently? Or what level were you when you picked it up? Did you get the quest from Tannysa or from Innkeeper Shyria?


Ahhh... it wouldn't have shown up on the map until you were level 47. Look at the quoted code above. Both quests are flagged 47 and they are level 50 quests. So I can lower it to 45.


Doesn't matter... "min level" quests do not show up in Questie until you reach the min level. It works like that by default. No use showing a flag on the map until you're actually able to pick up the quest. :)

The min/max filters were created before someone took the trouble to check in a DB with the Required Level flags. This changed the Flag types and now we have "questLevel" = The level of the quest and "level" = Required level. This initially broke the min/max filters I added a long time ago and recently fixed. :) So "technically" the maxlevel filter is redundant.

If you haven't already done the quest, I would edit the addendum.lua file and lower the level from 47 to 45. Save and reload you UI. Abandon the quest and the ! should appear.


Commit checked in:

You'll have to install it manually until I have enough changes to build a release.


Fixed in: 3b4573f