


Questie breaks if you delete a character and make a new one with the same name

AeroScripts opened this issue ยท 3 comments


If you had quest history/tracking stuff on the original character


OK, I've added this check and was VERY careful how it was implemented. Here is the nuts and bolts:

    if UnitLevel("player") == 1 then
        for i,v in pairs(QuestieSeenQuests) do
            if (v == 0) or (v == -1) or (v == 1) then

Basically it checks for finished quests, abandoned quests or accepted quests in a characters DB and if that character is level one it nukes the config. So once the config is nuked it won't ask again because the DB is blank. Now if it's a bank toon then the player should be ok because usually they won't pick up any quests as a level one. If they do then they usually do enough to get to level two. CAVEAT: If a player picks up and does only one quest then logs out, then this "check" will trigger the NUKE function. But... it's a popup asking the user to click YES. If the user doesn't click anything then it times out and is considered a NO.

Player always has a choice when it comes to the NUKE!


I can add a function check to see if a character is level 1 and has FINISHED quests. If it is I can force Questie to perform a NUKE upon login. This would prevent this issue.

But if someone where to create a new toon by a name of a former toon then logout and log back in later and a nuke has been done already, it'll check the Questie Saved Variables and if there isn't any quests done then the NUKE would be skipped.

MOST players when they create a new toon they either level up to 2+ or run the toon to a capitol city (bank toon) before they logout. This logic should cover all situations.