


"Of Traitors and Treason" is exclusive to "The Lost Courier"

BreakBB opened this issue ยท 0 comments



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From the comments on wowhead: "The reason you cant get this quest is because it comes from Borean Tundra and from Howling Fjord. If you've already gotten the quest from one of the zones you can not get it from the other."

"If you have been to Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight, chances are, you're already halfway through this questline. You've just skipped the first few parts of it. Wintergarde Keep has the quest "Flight of the Wintergarde Defender" whether you've done this quest and the pre-reqs or not. Hope that helps :)"

So the quest would have been available if I had done Howling Fjord first.


There is still a bug regarding this quest - it shows as being available before it is. I started a character in Howling Fjord, never touched any quests in Borean Tundra, it showed as available to me long before I could pick it up.

To pick it up, I first had to complete "All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn!" (11250).

Also, if the quests "Of Traitors and Treason" (12171 - different quest with the same name) and "Flight of the Wintergarde Defender" make this quest unavailable, but Questie doesn't recognise it, that's something to fix too

Wowhead link


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