



jimmyleith opened this issue · 7 comments


"My Dead Corpse" potentially redundant


Great find!


The "My Dead Corpse" is kind of an inside joke from the original Closed Beta for Vanilla WoW days. Back then I was playing Alliance exclusively and the famous Horde guild [Goon Squad] was notorious for trolling Stranglethorn Vale. They would lock up the zone for hours corpse camping any Alliance player. Someone created a toon called MyDeadCorpse and left it dead and never resurrected. It was always there in the zone. A naked Gnome. For some reason, the Horde HATED Gnomes. :)

#359 (comment)


LMAO! True story.


Lol thats funny, I just mentioned that in another issue. xD


Another slash? Uh no. We've got too many as it is.

If I have time this weekend and am super indulgent, I'll see if I can't create a Settings GUI and a Mini map button to go with it. I need to brush up on my UI skills.


Just a thought, what about adding a slash command to this name since this seems to be a popular issue recently. Not that I really care, but for those who wish the name to be "My Corpse" rather than "My Dead Corpse" could just do a "/questie corpsename" or something along those lines to toggle the name.

/questie corpsename
Returns Message: "Corpse arrow name changed to "My Corpse"
/questie corpsename
Returns Message: "Corpse arrow name changed to "My Dead Corpse"

Disregard if you feel it is unnecessary. Just a thought.


Haha no problem. I knew the GUI was eventually in the works, but I figured for now, just a slash could work. Look forward to the GUI! Your doing a great job!