


Questie background adjustment optimization

SalviaSage opened this issue · 2 comments


Hi. Thanks for re-introducing the automatic adjustment of the quest tracker background. I can say that it works without any errors.

  1. However, I have noticed that after logging out and logging back in, the questie background always extends down to the very bottom of the screen, and after tracking and untracking a quest it updates and fixes itself, but upon entry it extends down all the way.

Also earlier you said:

If the chat window is open and you Shift + Click the quest the title of the quest will appear in your chat entry. However, it won't create a "clickable" link like you can with items commonly showing in trade chat.

  1. It only does this for the quest log, when you shift click the QUEST TRACKER. the tomtom arrow comes up instead. So can we also make ctrl+shift click on a quest tracker quest to link it in the chat bar?

Fix in latest release... zip file updated: