


[[27] Deep Cover (2458)]

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Rogue quest shows as complete before it's actually complete.

You have to fire a flare gun twice, then salute the guy to turn him friendly.

Questie shows the quest as complete, but when you run up to turn it in he kills you. Need to do the objectives first.


which game and questie version?


It's your default, "I don't want to do work..." response. It gets old. Rogues have reported broken quests for a long time... the issue is the are all little one-off quests. What other quest in the game requires you to "/salute" before turning in? None. It's gotta be listed as an objective... I don't think Quesite supports that. Just adding it as a bug in hopes that someday someone gives a shit enough to fix all the rogue quests that have been overlooked for... 4 years?


@Laumesis It's broken on all. The data for these quests don't change until Cata.


The API does not give any objectives for this quest (/dump C_QuestLog.GetQuestObjectives(2458) -> {}. That's the reason Questie thinks it is complete even if it is not. That is something not really easy to fix on our side as it is a totally different API behaviour than nearly all other quests in the game.


There is a thing... objectless quests aren't necessary complete. There should be different logic used for quests that are type of "go talk to turn-in npc". Iiirc there was some flag for this or something. I can't remember anymore.

Questie use and has always used the no objectives -> go talk to npc who is turn-in.


This is fixed by showing the GetQuestLogCompletionText in the Tracker