


Tracker SetPoint Broken

aristoblis opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hi. I am experiencing an issue where no matter what I set the Tracker SetPoint to in the config, the tracker acts like the setpoint is bottom left. It grows from bottom up, and quests fill in from bottom to top, left to right. Is this an issue anyone else is having or it is just me?


The issue I have seen is that it behaves the same, no matter which Tracker SetPoint setting I choose. There is no functional anchor point.

The expected behavior for Top is that the tracker quest list grows downwards, leaving the top side of the frame locked in place.
The expected behavior for Bottom is that the tracker quest list grows upwards, leaving the Bottom side of the frame locked in place.

Neither of these is true.


Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

Yeah this is a know issue. You might wanna give the beta version linked here a try and see if that fixes/changes your issue.

We know the Tracker is in quite a wonky state since the pre patch, we are working on it ๐Ÿ™ˆ


I have been seeing the same thing too.

The tracker setpoint simply stopped working. Not sure why. I want it to grow right to left, top to bottom (Top Right) and that simply stopped working yesterday.

Another thing I noticed at the same time, the tracker can no longer grow offscreen, I'm pretty sure this used to occur but not the edge of the screen seems to stop the tracker from growing, and instead, it pushes the tracker to grow upwards.


I am experiencing this issue on version 7.1.3.
No matter what I set the value of SetPoint to, the tracker behaves the same.
I also frequently find that it has been reverted back to 'auto', though I am not sure of the cause.

I tried downgrading my version to 7.1.2 and then to 7.1.1 and both showed the same bug.


A late update on this: The Tracker SetPoint option currently does nothing really. The rework required for the Tracker to work with Wotlk stripped many functions of the Tracker got disabled to focus on a first "working" solution.

There are many things we have yet to add back to the Tracker.