


Tracker Keeps Expanding Horizontaly

allcoast opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Bug description

When clicking on the pull icon in the lower right corner, the tracker will keep growing in size, width wise.



Questie & WoW version


Actually, i found that you can just click it.


or whenever an objective is updated, it keeps growing.


Are you on latest v7.1.1?


Seems to only happen for me if I set the font size above 12. Still happening after purging settings and reinstalling via curseforge.


Yes, I was on the latest version 7.1.1


Been having the same issues, but only when I change the actual font, not just the font size. When I only changed the font size and left it at the default Friz Quadrata TT, it is no longer expanding.


Bloating tracker frame still a bug in 7.1.2.

  • Reset addon and changed the font back to Frizz Quadrata TT (with increased font sizing to 14 pt) - bug.
  • Reset the addon again, this time leaving the "Minimize completed quests" option unticked - bug.
  • Reset again and left all settings at DEFAULT, font style, size, sorting, minimize completed quests unchecked, didn't even move tracker frame - NO bug.
  • Changed all tracker fonts to PT Sans Narrow - NO bug.
  • Increased tracker font sizes to 14 pt - bug
  • Reverted font sizes to 10 pt. Enabled Min Complete Quests option - NO bug
  • Increased font sizes to 12 pt - NO bug
  • Chaged sorting to By Proximity - NO bug

The easiest way for me to test was by ctrl+clicking the header and dragging the tracker as far to the right of the screen (initially waited for quest objectives to complete). If the bug was still present the frame would grow each time, at 12 pt it did not.

So, for me at least, I can confirm @jak-lawrence 's experience: bug seems to present when the tracker font sizes (quest titles and objectives) are set above 12 pt.


@Drac84 could you grab v7.1.3 and run your awesome tests again?


@Drac84 could you grab v7.1.3 and run your awesome tests again?

@BreakBB No bug to report in 7.1.3. When tracker font sizes are set to 14 pt the frame bloat issue is no longer triggered when moving the frame to the edge of the screen or updating objectives. Increased all tracker font sizes to 18 pt just to be sure, no issues. ๐Ÿ’ฏ

The resize handle also seems to be functioning normally again as a side-note, the bug tended to lock it so that you couldn't reduce the frame size, but it resizes freely now as well.



Nice, thanks for testing it again and reporting back here as well @Drac84 I'll close this issue then. Feel free to open up a new one for everything else you may find ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป