


Yellow text on screen quest progression not showing?

unie92 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello! I'm in a bit of need for help! My friend told me this was questie releated and I'v been googling and searching like a madman but can't find anything about it.

So my issue is!
The on screen progression for quests that pops up everytime you kill a mob or loot a quest objective isnt showing at all.
(Not the quest tracker, but the text that normaly pops up on the center of the screen in yellow).

As can see on this image taken from my friends game ^ I'v tried doing full reset on UI, uninstalled all addons and reinstalled them.
Tho still I cannot see the text.

Is this questie related?


As far as i know, that yellow text is Blizzard UI


@Cabro is right on this @unie92 - That text is not something Questie adds, but is the regular wow UI. Not sure if there is a setting or something though ๐Ÿค”


Ah alright ye I thought as much, Have made a post to blizzard support!
Do any of you know perhaps what it's called? or if there is any addons that does the same thing that could be a "Fix"?


Hey @unie92 sorry for the late response on this. I personally don't know about an addon doing these things (but I am also not using that much addons ๐Ÿ˜“ ). It might be worth to hop on the Questie Discord and ask the users there ๐Ÿ˜

I am marking this issue as solved, but feel free to open a new one, if you have something we might help you with. Good luck with the Blizzard support! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Also side note to @Cabro could you reach out to me on Discord?


Hey @unie92 another user also opened up an issue for this, which you might want to follow: #4402