


Questie settings being lost randomly

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The last release nuked my settings. Which quest types were shown, auto-turn-in settings, where the objective icon is relative to the name plate... It's easy to set up, but it's annoying to have to set up again across a bunch of characters. If you have to nuke user settings, good to put in some announcement on why... this felt unintentional. Tracker stayed put, fonts on the tracker stayed put. It was just all the other settings that got reset. Feel free to close this right away, like I said... it felt like an unintentional thing and calling it out in case it was.


We didn't reset anything on our side, but it seems to happen randomly for some users, cause unknown and no way to reproduce.

Best we can do at the moment is to suggest doing a /reload after changing settings (to trigger SavedVariable write to disc) and backing up Questie's SavedVariables file regularly (everything is stored in the account level file).


cause unknown and no way to reproduce

It's happened 4x since Wrath hit, at least.

Sounds more like your just too lazy to investigate or audit the code for causes. Literally happens with 0 other add-ons.

Closing as stale, will never get worked on by current team.


Let's keep this open so the current team can at least try to investigate when there is time.


It's happened 4x since Wrath hit, at least.
Sounds more like your just too lazy to investigate or audit the code for causes. Literally happens with 0 other add-ons.

"cause unknown and no way to reproduce" does not mean "it's not happening" or "the fault lies elsewhere", it means "we know it's happening but we still aren't sure what's causing it, and we can't consistently reproduce it ourselves".

If you've got an idea of what's consistently causing it ("it happens when updating sometimes" is not consistent), then by all means, feel free to let us know. Until then we've just got to keep an eye out.