


Questie is Killing FPS During Raids

Gogo1951 opened this issue · 7 comments


Frame rates were going down to 10 FPS. Turning Questie off, it's back up to 120 FPS.

This was 20 seconds of profiler, seems like a tooltip comms thing.



It's not happening today. Happy to assume this is something that's at least partially on the Blizzard side... but something to keep an eye on.

Love to have the ability to turn off more things... the Journey, for example. Basically want to make Questie as light-weight and low-risk as possible at all times.

Love to have the ability to turn Questie off automatically when I'm in a raid group. Had a few ideas here from back in the day... #2511


I know that UX doesn't reflect the modern state of things... but with the modular approach of the code, it seems like it would be easy to turn off a lot of things pretty easily if a user wanted. I just comment out some things in the TOC and that simple act seems to help load times.


Frostweave Cloth maybe... but I think it's actually something to do with the Journey. I can't find any mobs or tooltips that seemed to be generating a lot of calls.

I think turning off all comms in raids would be a good idea.



Here is a screenshot of my profiler just for some additional information. I have also had some severe performance issues with Questie enabled, this is not in a raid or group btw. The "QuestieMap.fadeLogicTimerShown._callback" and "QuestieMap.drawTimer._callback" and "QuestieLib.Euclid" are the three that seem to be exponentially increasing constantly even when afk. The others only have large calls in bursts when activity is occurring.



The above is like 15 seconds of profiler.

Hey guys, this issue is all over. When I go to loot. When I'm in town. When I'm solo. When I'm in a dungeon. It's grinding my game to a halt. Then I turn Questie off and it's right as rain. Something is really wrong with the last build. I can't run Questie due to performance issues, and everyone I know in game is messaging me to say the same.

It seems to get better when I comment out the Journey stuff specifically. Journey needs an off switch. You can turn everything else off. But... I don't know if that's 100% it. Just... this last build has made Questie unusable in-game.


Hey @Gogo1951 so the profiler record you posted are not that bad (even if they might look like it). The last 5 or more releases almost exclusively fixed our databases, no major refactorings/logic changes were added 🤔

Would be nice if you could try to play with just Questie enabled to see if there is a conflict with some other addon.

We will have a detailled look into the functions above though. Especially the first one you posted shows tooltip code which shouldn't run when you are in a raid (but that wouldn't explain the loss of 130 FPS).


Yeah... I'm grasping as straws. I think maybe server throttle? I don't think I'm on a "mega server" though.

The report isn't crazy. But like just standing around crafting some fish feasts, I had a 2-3 second lag at the end of the craft.

Happens with Questie, All The Things, or TSM enabled. Happens with each of those individually enabled as the only add-on running. Especially happens when all 3 are running.


I opened up a new issue for the last suggestion and will close this issue, as the initial issue lies on Blizzards side most likely.