


Add FadeLogic to Tracking Icons

sk1ddy opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi All! First of all let me say thank you all for your hard work! Questie has become an essential tool for my Classic (WotlK now) adventures!

So, the request is pretty much explained in the title: would it be possible to include the tracking icons (e.g. Mail Boxes, Flight Masters and so on...) in the "Fade Icons over Player" option of the Minimap tab? Because from what I see, this option now just affects quest marks, while Tracking Icons are always at 100% opacity, no matter what. For someone like me, who likes to keep a couple of tracking icons always active, and likes them quite BIG in size, this feature would be very helpful, since it would allow me to better 'see' my surroundings in the minimap, even when in a crowded cluster of tracked icons.

That's all!
Thanks again!