


Feature: Son of Arugal - Patrol Path

GrimNotepad opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I had an idea while questing in Silverpine Forest, in Barrens there are lines showing where certain quest-giving mobs patrol so you can hunt them for their horn or tailspike

I was wondering if it would be useful to have the same thing for mobs that are abnormally strong in the area, such as the Elite Alliance Patrol in Barrens, the Sons of Arugal in Silverpine Forest

With the boost in popularity of Hardcore, I think in the classic addon, people could find it handy to know they are standing on the Son's possible patrol path


Hey @GrimNotepad at least the Alliance patrol together with Aen Swiftriver is marked by Questie as these drop an item which starts a quest.

For NPCs not related to a quest I think it will be out of scope of Questie to show them.

The SilverDragon addon shows all kind of rare mobs on the map and shows you an extra frame when a rare mob is close to you. But it also allows you to add additional IDs of NPCs you want to watch out for. That won't show you the NPC on the map I believe, but at least warns you when you are near one (e.g. the Son of Argul).


I agree about this being out-of-scope for Questie, but will also note that there's nothing stopping an addon from using Questie's database (via API calls) to display paths for any list of mobs that it determines, whether that's hardcoded or user-selectable.