


Latest version of questie hides item numbers

TonyJanx opened this issue · 24 comments


Classic WoW

I am running 7.5.2 as the latest version has a bug where the objectives show but not the number (below image shows what is missing from the latest version
This issue came about after I installed another addon (I have forgotten what I added).


Hey @TonyJanx this should only be the case for items where you need just 1 item. But personally I forgot that not all users are coloring their objectives and therefore leaving out 0/1 and 1/1 is not clear.


Oh... right. There is a color profile where the objectives don't get "colored" based on completion percentage. Hmmmm... I could force it to turn green for that color profile specifically. Thoughts?


@Dyaxler I think we should either start showing 0/1 again or only when the coloring is the default "white". For consistency we should just start showing it again.


This should be the place to change:

if not (completed or quantityNeeded == 1 or quantityProgress == quantityNeeded) then

Removing the or quantityNeeded == 1 should make it behave like before.


Hmmm… On Achievements this might actually looks quite bad because most have 0/1.

I am not sure what to think about the green checkmark next to it. Most users using the white coloring want the Tracker to look like the Blizzard one. Therefore 0/1 seems quite important to me.

I think we should at least first reintroduce the numbers for quests and then think about a solution for Achievements.


To be clear... the green check mark would only appear next to Objectives that would normally have a [1/1] or [0/1] tag and if the player is using the White color profile. All the other number tags work as normal. I.E. Blah Quest [0/2] and beyond.



Quest Titles are always colored by difficulty
White = Objectives are always White
Red to Green = Objectives fade from Red --> Green
White to Green = Objectives fade from White --> Green
White and Green = Objectives DON'T fade but incomplete Objectives are White and Complete Objectives are Green


The White profile is the only one without a color transition. So instead of [1/1] meaning that Objective is complete... replace it with a Green ✓ or White. I have no preference on that. For Objectives with more than one "count" the numbers will always be there.


The issue I have with this is that it'll also show the tags for achievements. It just plain looks HORRIBLE.

However, I do have a proposed fix that'll look nice but ONLY for those using this one specific color profile. Instead of a [1/1] or [0/1] tag... We can add a nice little Green ✓ next to the completed objective.


This should be the place to change:

if not (completed or quantityNeeded == 1 or quantityProgress == quantityNeeded) then

Removing the or quantityNeeded == 1 should make it behave like before.

That part is for the Achievements and shouldn't be changed. I'll propse a fix as PR.



So this is a rough idea, of course the ticks would be smaller, and it keeps the numbers


pic not attached.. try again?


so, as mentioned.. it should show any objectives with more than one required. the only part that would be changed is a checkmark (at the end of the objective) when the objective is complete

numbers still show on objectives that have more than one required


@MyTechnoHunter exactly!

The Check Mark won't be THAT big but you guys get the general idea. I think it looks kind of cool actually. But only for that color profile. It's kind of redundant for the color profiles that changes color as the player completes the Objective.


@TonyJanx Just hammering out the details. I'm not the "final say" on these matters. @BreakBB is essentially our Product Manager.


work is in progress to fix it :) the newest release (hotfix) when it's released, should address it


@BreakBB is essentially our Product Manager.

@Dyaxler hahaha, I am not and I also don't want to be 😛 This is a community project, I am just one of the regulars handing around and trying to keep things in the best shape possible 😬