


Questie drops the wrong quest

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 16 comments


Not all the time, but it doesn't always select the quest you clicked into... then when you hit "drop quest" it drops the wrong one.

This cost me a bunch of half-done quests today as I was trying to drop quests from a different zone.


Not able to reproduce this issue on various level toons in WotLK.



Buddy I was questing with reported this first.


Fairly easy to reproduce on your first log-in. Click on a quest from the tracker, and note it's not the quest that's highlighted... so if you hit "drop quest" too fast, it drops the wrong quest.


Quest that is selected seems to be the last quest in the log.


Caught this in the act.

Shows one quest selected (selection came from clicking in on the tracker), but it drops another. Think it's a Blizzard issue, or an ElvUI issue? @Dyaxler



The way I got it to happen was on first log-in, picking up a bunch of quests, click in from the tracker, then on first abandon it tried to drop the wrong quest. It seems fine after that for the rest of the session.

Not sure if relevant but I am lagging quite a bit tonight. This server I'm on is rough some days.



Might be that the QuestLog hasn't fully updated on the back end... Blizzard side? shrug I know that we kick off the refresh quest log before snagging the quest via quest index. Pretty much the same thing Blizzard does for their abandon quests functions.

I'll try logging in and quickly selecting a quest to see if it goes nuts.


Happens pretty consistently when you click in from the tracker, generally seems like it's only the first time each session...

I do have Elv installed. Reported by someone else with Elv running.

I have never noticed this issue in the past. It happens at lease once a session for me now.

Yesterday, questing with a buddy in Thousand Needles, in Discord I hear, "Mother fucker!" as this bug caused my buddy to drop a quest I couldn't re-share and he had to fly all the way back to Org to get it.


That is sooo weird. I must have launched, logged in... abandon... half a dozen times. I'm not able to repro it. sigh...

This has got to be server lag. I'm not on an overly populated server I don't think. At least on the alliance side it's not heavy like some servers. I do see lag from time to time. Especially in Dal... next time it's laggy I'll give it a shot.


Revisiting this I'm almost certain this is an ElvUI issue - it might not happen with Questie disabled, but it might be more that we're calling a function that ElvUI then handles itself, but doesn't adequately handle. I'm willing to bet, though it would be painfully tedious to test, that you could probably replicate this with Questie disabled, ElvUI enabled, and running the same commands Questie does when you click on the tracker, but with /run instead. If it happens that way it's definitely an ElvUI bug, and maybe isolating it would help them reproduce and fix it.


Happened to me quite a lot these days and it's super annoying :/ Just die the Nat Pagle Quest to learn Fishing to 300, had 3 Fish already - abandoned a quest from the Gelkis and The Nat Pagle Quest got deleted. Also the Mushroom gathering Quest from Uldaman. I think always the most bottom Quest gets randomly deleted...


@rusagent are you using ElvUI as well?




Also sometimes when i click quest after quest in the questlog to check the rewards the item tooltip doesn't get displayed anymore. But i guess that's another topic...


@rusagent you should check if both issues persist without ElvUI


I have never encountered this bug where a different quest is abandoned, but i don't use elvui