


Questie tracking, keybinds.

datgrl opened this issue · 4 comments


I downloaded it several times to make sure that I was running the most current version. I installed it in "classic-era" not classic. I can't see addons in 'classic'.

Questie shows quests that aren't active like the holiday quests for Greatfather Winter and Nobelgarden. I've seen both pop up at different times. I was running Wailing Caverns and one of the folks in the party was seeing this as well.

The quest items and mobs appear and disappear from my map.

Questie overwrites my keybinds. My mouse l/r buttons stop working. The shortcuts to open/close and access Questie stop working.


Hey @datgrl
Can you share a screenshot of the quests you are seeing which you should not?

What would help as well is, that you disable all other addons and see if Questie still bugs out.

Also Questie doesn’t fiddle with any keybindings, that might be something different.


RE: Keybinds. @BreakBB is correct. We don't have any Keybind options. There are however Key Modifiers you can assign for certain functions.

Questie Options1

These modifiers only work when your mouse is over the correct Questie frame and won't over-ride other Key Modifiers that Blizzard uses or other addons use.


I downloaded it several times to make sure that I was running the most current version. I installed it in "classic-era" not classic. I can't see addons in 'classic'.

just to clarify, _classic_ is Wrath, _classic_era_ is vanilla(SoM when active)

you said you cant see addons? as in the button on the game screen? or the addon list in game?


Assuming this is fixed.