


further enhancement to Tracker sizing

MyTechnoHunter opened this issue ยท 0 comments



we need better granularity for sizing options.. like i mentioned in channel (discord), the feature is having growing pains.. either the default height ratio should not be off for growth, or there should be a way to drag past the current number of quests to see for CERTAIN how big the tracker will get in manual mode with a confirmation popup when you let the sizer go to accept changes, possibly with a NOTE: this will disable auto mode on the confirm popup..
people are used to the tracker growing down and i personally love the scroll feature but not knowing the height.. or being stuck with the height limited to the number of quests you have, while using the sizer is.. counter productive
conversely, maybe a sizer feature expansion in a different direction? like modal windows in windows, mouse change at the bottom to allow sizing taller and edge to allow sizing wider with a corresponding disable of auto grow in that direction?
something.. as it is right now it feels unfinished..