


Would like to have the extra lines from from QuestLink and minimap tooltips removed.

Cabro opened this issue ยท 8 comments


They are not the same, it seems the minimap tooltip (right) writes each phrase to a new line, and messing with the original quest text format. QuestLink (left) is the one that is showing it as it should be.

Also, minimap tooltip has problems with special characters (notice it's not displaying ) at the end).


wotlk 8.2.1


Actually, scratch that, Quest Links also adds new lines where it's not needed. But it's only adding extra lines between text definitions in DB, whereas minimap tooltip effectively formats inside the defined text.

Can we have these extra lines removed from both?


Seems the Quest Links extra line was easy to find out: 7221e24

Minimap tooltip seems to be some text wrap in QuestieLib.lua that needs optimized, and that's why it's also removing the last character if it's a special character after the last period.


Some update for the minimap tooltips.

I will definitely leave someone else write a cleaner code, as my solution is definitely ugly. All it's needed is to comment out the dot detection in the DB line in QuestieLib.lua:684 (making splitOnDot == false still splits on dot)

      --elseif (string.sub(useLine, endIndex, endIndex) == "." and endIndex ~= strlen(useLine) and splitOnDot) then
             --dotIndex = endIndex


    local useLine = line --string.gsub(line, "%. ", "%.%\n")

Not sure what's the logic for line 725, since the text shouldn't be wrapped there, but it's trying to split on 2 rows a text that's not long enough to be wrapped. I assume that's possible with 2 very short sentences? (Go to prison. Do not pass go.) In that case it should be edited to:

     useLine = prefix .. line

@Cabro I thought we fixed this?


Not that I'm aware of, no, the last comment i wrote here is still well... only here


Only the questlinks formatting is fixed, minimap no


Yes, but the comment i made was last week?


can this be tested/verified with the latest as it was posted 8.2.1...