


"Goblin Sponsorship" Quest Not Available

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Another bug with a quest chain that has a lot of quests with the same name.



/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1183))

= false, all the rest in the series from WoW head show true.


so, the pic shows the actual npc interact, but the hover tooltip on the minimap shows a quest?
is there a debug setting that shows quest ids on the tooltip?


There used to be a hidden key combo that showed some kind of debug info on tooltips. But I think that was a LONG time ago.


would think that would be useful for situations like this where quests get reported as showing available but arent.. rather than guessing based on name..


The same way you have a check for things that aren't in the DB... or the same way ATT has a check for things that aren't in the DB...

Red text. But not pure red. Go with like #CC3333.

{rt1} Questie encountered an error!
Please help us fix this by reporting the issue on our Discord. [DiscordLink]
Error : Expected to be able to pick up Quest 123 from NPC 123, but was unable to find quest.
Level 53 Horde Blood Elf Warlock with Skinning 123 & Engineering 123.
Questie version 8.1.2 on Client 3.4.2 in English.


Error : Didn't expect to be able to pick up Quest 123 from NPC 123.

Just expand on the error messages, and get people to report this stuff.

I'll stand by the claim I have made a dozen times, there are still 15-50 bugs in every zone.

Make it easier for people to report them and they'll get fixed.


thas a good point.. will make a note to ask about expanded error messages and such, i am all for getting bugs fixed :)


Step 1 is expanding error messages. You have to give people enough details so they know what to do with the messages to get them fixed. Telling them where the Discord is -- that's simple and easy.

Step 2 is building in self-correction. #4630


Hey @MyTechnoHunter ,

Another thing I think would be "trivial" for automated testing... do a lookup in the database for any Quests that don't have turn-in locations. Or NPCs that don't have locations. Or Items that don't have a source.. and then you can manually comb through those.

There will be some weird items that spawn when you combine other items, or legit reasons not to list them. But you'll also spot a ton of real bugs.

In the past the team was never keen on doing that much data cleanup work. "If there's a bug people can file a PR and fix it," mentality. But it turns out that it's not easy enough for the average player to submit a PR. I've tried to train up a dozen people over the years on how to do it, and even when they know how they get hit with "now go clean up your PR, it isn't perfect!" and it just kills it for them wanting to help.

Most people aren't at all interested in being developers. But they will happily QA all day long. But expecting QA people to submit PRs isn't going to realistically happen, and bugs just sit out there forever since nobody is fixing them.

Anyway start with better error messages, seems easy enough. (=


Regarding the actual bug reported in this issue... You listed two separate IDs (1182 linked in OP and then 1183 shown in command later), but regardless, I can't reproduce it. I just did the entire chain myself and I was given both 1182 and 1183 in order and completed both.

Did you transfer this character? Seems like an actual Blizzard bug.


Regarding the concept of suggesting corrections - this is unfortunately a nuanced issue. There are many situations where an NPC may not offer a quest, because perhaps you've talked to them too quickly and they'll offer it if you re-interact with them a few seconds later, especially during RP.

Additionally, it is not possible for us to pull quest IDs from Greeting dialogs, only Gossip ones (as of Dragonflight API, which only Wrath currently has, but Era will be getting in 1.14.4 in a few weeks). For the situations where we need a quest ID (custom dialog icons) we currently use a reverse lookup where we guess the ID based on the name of the quest and what we expect that NPC to offer. If the NPC offers a quest we don't have an entry for, we do print an error and ask users to report it, but it is not safe to print that sort of error if we expect the NPC to offer a quest but they don't - there would be FAR too many false positives. In addition, because of the nature of the reverse lookup being name-based, in situations like the one in this issue, where the same NPC gives multiple quests with the same name during a chain, it's literally impossible for us to determine ID.

TL;DR We can display an error when a quest shows up that we don't expect, but we can't safely determine if a quest isn't showing up that we do expect simply because we don't have that kind of power with the API.