


Enhance Error Message Text to Better Improve Error Resolution

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hey @MyTechnoHunter & @Dyaxler ,

Adding this as a separate issue.

Red text. But not pure red. Go with like #CC3333.

{rt1} Questie encountered an error!
Please help us fix this by reporting the issue on our Discord. [DiscordLink]
Error : Expected to be able to pick up Quest 123 from NPC 123, but was unable to find quest.
Level 53 Horde Blood Elf Warlock with Skinning 123 & Engineering 123.
Questie version 8.1.2 on Client 3.4.2 in English.


Error : Didn't expect to be able to pick up Quest 123 from NPC 123.

Originally posted by @Gogo1951 in #4901 (comment)


You could have localization errors...

Error : Expected "Some String Here" to be translated, but couldn't find German version.

You could check loot or location...

Error : Wasn't expecting Item 123 to drop from NPC 123!

Error : Expected Escort Quest to Complete at XX.XX,YY,YY, but completed at 55.08,59,51

(Build in some 1-2 points off in any direction check. You could get really advanced.)

You could check XP...

Error : Expected Quest 123 to give 6969 XP, but received 9876 XP.

Really the sky is the limit, and by "Sky" I mean your appetite for fixing bugs. (=

But also if you had all this stuff clean, and well documented, then it's just a matter of recruiting some junior devs / accountants to fill in the changes.

I say accountants, because guess what... all the really good testers seemed to have that in common from the TBC beta. =P Keep it in Discord, keep it away from GitHub. And people will help!

I can't help with how much of a pain the PR review process is, but like if it's just a spacing, or a quest isn't in the right order, maybe just fix those things instead of pushing them back to the non-devs who created the PR. At least until they get some confidence under their belt. I can't stress how many times I would go to get someone onboard with helping, only to have their enthusiasm just obliterated by Cruxy during the PR process. He's got a job to do, and I'm sure it's helpful for devs who want to improve, but he doesn't tailor it for his audience. Ha, if you get some people who are keen on helping don't sweat the technical stuff... just roll in their changes and you can lint it all later. (=


I like the idea. But could give discord instead of email..


Leatrix pops up a big dialogue so you can copy the text. Not a bad idea.

Leatrix Plus needs to be updated with the flight details. Press CTRL/C to copy the flight details below then paste them into an email to [email protected]. When your report is received, Leatrix Plus will be updated and you will never see this window again for this flight.

Flight details (WRATH): Mudsprocket (0.58:0.70) to Everlook (0.64:0.23) (Horde) took 485 seconds (4 hop).

["0.58:0.70:0.57:0.64:0.61:0.55:0.63:0.44:0.64:0.23"] = 485, -- Mudsprocket, Brackenwall Village, Ratchet, Orgrimmar, Everlook

This flight does not exist in the database.