


Tracker resized automatically

Pengukeks opened this issue ยท 12 comments


WotLK Classic Questie v8.4.1

Tauren Druid Quest "Great Bear Spirit" 5930 resized my tracker to where it was showing the entire quest objective
"Seek out the Great Bear Spirit and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear."
in a single line.

"Lock Tracker" in Tracker options was and still is enabled if that even matters outside of manual resizing.


that being said.. i think it should have wrapped? specially singleton objectives..
@Dyaxler can we verify?


hover the sizer.. part of the update process reset your tracker to auto mode,


I already manually made it smaller again. When I hover now it says Manual but idk if it said auto before. I didnt change any setting except resizing the tracker.


You'll have to be more specific. Quest Titles do not wrap. Only single Objectives with no number criteria... mostly Blizzard Completion text which is usually a body of text to tell you where to finish a quest or who to hand it in or the next step. No number tabs... items to be gathered ect.


As of the main issue here it was the quest objective as stated causing the width resize.
(Unless by some astronomical coincidence it resized to exactly the same width as that for another reason at the time of accepting the quest)

"Seek out the Great Bear Spirit and learn what it has to share with you about the nature of the bear."


Hmmm... weird. Like Techno said it was probably in auto mode which auto sizes the height and width of the Tracker based on the dimensions of the widest line by number of lines. Manual mode doesn't do that. It used to be that you could only adjust the width. Line wrapping and scrolling wasn't a feature. It's been this way for several years and has worked perfectly. I only recently added the ability to adjust the height when I added scrolling and found a "clean" way to wrap certain lines. This allowed us to finally leverage "Blizzard Completion Text" - the block you quoted.

If you're in manual mode, you set the overall height and width of the Tracker, and if there isn't enough room to fit an objectives text, it does it's best to fit as much text as possible and truncates the rest... including Zone and Quest Titles (text cut off with ...). "Blizzard Completion Text" will continue to wrap until you can see the whole thing. Generally, when a quest is showing this text, it's usually in a completed state. You can use the options Hide Completed Quests or Minimize Completed Quests to make the Tracker smaller vertically.

In Auto Mode it wraps only the "Blizzard Completion Text" because it always tends to be quite verbose. Objectives with a number of criteria [completed/needed], do not get wrapped. Zone and Quest Titles do not get wrapped.

Now I'm just an old goat and an engineer so I tend to focus on specifics. I just want to make sure you have a general understanding of how the lines should appear. Not trying to make you feel stupid or bombard you with a wall of text. :) Screenshots help me immensely with specifics. I just want to make sure we have an issue and not a misunderstanding on how this all works.

It almost sounds like you were sure you were in Manual mode, and upon taking the Quest the Tracker auto sized the width and put the entire block of your quoted text on ONE line? That is a bug for sure. It's not supposed to do that. Was this after you upgraded to a new version? I should point out that some folks have had certain things "reset" after an upgrade. The Sizer mode could have very well been switched into Auto mode. Forgive me for sounding like I'm asking the same questions but sometimes a little piece of detail or forgotten missed steps helps me find issues faster.


I can't say if it was in Manual Mode at that time but Techno said it definitely reset to Auto Mode, I assume with 8.4.1 as I stated, which was released 29th, then 8.4.2 released on 30th already. I was on 8.4.1 at the time and I'm pretty sure I only just updated from 8.4.0->8.4.1 just before I started that session. But yes it resized to half my screens width to fit that text in one single line.


still got the quest?
would love a screenshot with you hovering the sizer nub, showing that quest and how wide it is..


I don't have the quest anymore but I did take a screenshot of the width.
The usual place for my tracker is docked on the right side of the screen below the default minimap.


yup, auto mode and for some reason that has a number at the end meaning its not completion it is different..
@Dyaxler you seeing this?

wth is with that quest?


Yeah, that's NOT "Blizzard Completion Text"! That is the longest Objective I've NEVER seen! And it's got a "Number Criteria"... so yeah, unfortunately that is by design. :(

If you untrack "Great Bear Spirit" and if the Sizer Mode is in Auto, it'll shrink the Tracker width down to one of the other Objectives and wrap the two Quests that ARE "Blizzard Completion" text - Rite of Wisdom and The Barrens Oases.

If the Tracker Sizer is in Manual mode, Great Bear Spirit will get truncated with a (...) and Rite of Wisdom and The Barrens Oases will get wrapped. If the width of the Tracker is narrower than the other Quests with, for example [0/14] RE: Number Criteria, then those too will get truncated with a (...).