


New lua error with the latest update (today)

Pocokk opened this issue ยท 8 comments


1x Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:746: attempt to get length of a nil value
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:746: in function AddFinisher' [string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:1245: in function PopulateObjectiveNotes'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:656: in function `GetAllQuestIds'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestEventHandler.lua"]:508: in function <...eQuestie/Modules/Quest/QuestEventHandler.lua:507>

self =

autoBlacklist =
ShouldShowQuestNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:347
AcceptQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:370
HideQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:359
ToggleNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:100
PopulateQuestLogInfo = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1274
AbandonedQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:493
SmoothReset = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:240
PopulateObjectiveNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1235
availableQuests =
_isResetting = true
_resetNeedsAvailables = false
UnhideQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:364
GetAllQuestIdsNoObjectives = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:669
DrawDailyQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1636
GetAllQuestIds = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:634
PopulateObjective = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:866
CompleteQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:469
AddFinisher = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:718
ResetAutoblacklistCategory = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:91
UpdateObjectiveNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:694
CalculateAndDrawAvailableQuestsIterative = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1625
UpdateQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:535
Initialize = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:82
GetAllLeaderBoardDetails = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1369
SetObjectivesDirty = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:624
ClearAllNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:199
private =
quest =
WasComplete = true
startedBy =
IsTrivial = defined @Questie/Database/QuestieDB.lua:677
questFlags = 0
level = 60
requiredSpell = 0
nextQuestInChain = 0
IsRepeatable = false
requiredClasses = 2
questLevel = 60
Id = 7501
specialFlags = 0
parentQuest = 0
name = "The Light and How To Swing It"
IsComplete = defined @Questie/Database/QuestieDB.lua:672
requiredLevel = 54
objectives =
requiredSpecialization = 0
Description =
Zone = 2557
requiredRaces = 0
trackTimedQuest = false
sourceItemId = 18359
reputationReward =
LocalizedName = "The Light and How To Swing It"
finishedBy =
objectivesText =
ObjectiveData =
SpecialObjectives =
isComplete = true
zoneOrSort = 2557
Finisher =
Starts =
Objectives =
questId = 7501
finisher =
spawns =
type = "monster"
minLevel = 60
friendlyToFaction = "AH"
id = 14382
questEnds =
friendly = true
factionID = 32
name = "Lorekeeper Mykos"
minLevelHealth = 2442
maxLevel = 60
maxLevelHealth = 2442
npcFlags = 2
zoneID = 2557
rank = 1
key = "m_14382"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
lastGametooltipCount = 0
lookupKeyByQuestId =
lastGametooltipType = "object"
lookupByKey =
lastGametooltip = ""
GetTooltip = defined @Questie/Modules/Tooltips/Tooltip.lua:162
RemoveQuest = defined @q


What quest causes this error?


I don't know, I logged in and happened out of nowhere.


Found it "The Light and How To Swing It" 7501


I didn't pick up any (new) quest in a long time, its been in my log for months now.


Same error again, I just used my HS and when the loading screen was complete, got the error.


Unfortunately it wasn't fixed with the latest update.


@Pocokk did you try to disable all addons except Questie to verify this error still persists?


Hmmm... I think that line needs a nil check. It's quite possible that table can be nil.

REF: 864278f

if #QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip(key) > 1 then