


Bug/Error After Update

aristoblis opened this issue ยท 4 comments


After updating to v8.7.1 I keep getting this error:

[string "=[C]"]: in function next' [string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:303: in function ?'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:330: in function <Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:329>

(*temporary) =

13288 =
(*temporary) = 13392


Possibly related to #4970

@aristoblis need more details on when this error popped. Were you logging in, reloadUI? In a Battleground group or Raid group. Before or after you entered an instance?


Were you logging in, reloadUI? Of course I, otherwise the addon wouldn't have been loaded. I did relaod UI also, still kept happening. I use Bugsack to capture all my addon errors and it just kept counting up and up.
In a Battleground group or Raid group. No group, just as soon as I logged in the errors started ticking up. It ticked 2-3 times p[er second. By the time I stopped the addon and reloaded my UI it had ticked up to 14k+.
Before or after you entered an instance? While I was in Dalaran


this the same issue?

Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:751: attempt to index a nil value
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:751: in function AddFinisher' [string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:557: in function UpdateQuest'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:301: in function `?'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua"]:330: in function <Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:329>

self =

autoBlacklist =
ShouldShowQuestNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:347
AcceptQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:371
HideQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:359
ToggleNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:100
PopulateQuestLogInfo = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1279
AbandonedQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:494
SmoothReset = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:240
PopulateObjectiveNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1240
availableQuests =
_isResetting = true
_resetNeedsAvailables = true
_nextRestQuest = 13823
UnhideQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:365
GetAllQuestIdsNoObjectives = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:674
DrawDailyQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1651
GetAllQuestIds = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:637
PopulateObjective = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:871
CompleteQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:470
AddFinisher = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:723
ResetAutoblacklistCategory = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:91
UpdateObjectiveNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:699
CalculateAndDrawAvailableQuestsIterative = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1640
UpdateQuest = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:536
Initialize = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:82
GetAllLeaderBoardDetails = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:1384
SetObjectivesDirty = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:627
ClearAllNotes = defined @Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestieQuest.lua:199
private =
quest =
startedBy =
IsTrivial = defined @Questie/Database/QuestieDB.lua:677
questFlags = 72
level = 80
requiredSpell = 0
nextQuestInChain = 0
IsRepeatable = false
requiredClasses = 0
questLevel = 80
Id = 13823
specialFlags = 0
preQuestSingle =
name = "Heroic: Thorim's Sigil"
IsComplete = defined @Questie/Database/QuestieDB.lua:672
requiredLevel = 80
objectives =
requiredSpecialization = 0
Description =
Zone = 4273
requiredRaces = 0
trackTimedQuest = false
SpecialObjectives =
sourceItemId = 0
Finisher =
LocalizedName = "Heroic: Thorim's Sigil"
inGroupWith =
objectivesText =
parentQuest = 0
ObjectiveData =
isComplete = true
zoneOrSort = 4273
Starts =
finishedBy =
Objectives =
questId = 13823
finisher =
subName = ""
questEnds =
maxLevel = 80
maxLevelHealth = 75600
npcFlags = 2
zoneID = 4657
type = "monster"
friendlyToFaction = "AH"
id = 33957
friendly = true
factionID = 35
minLevel = 80
minLevelHealth = 75600
spawns =
questStarts =
name = "Prospector Loren"
rank = 1
key = "m_33957"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
RegisterQuestStartTooltip = defined @Questie/Modules/Tooltips/Tooltip.lua:52
lastGametooltipType = "item"
lastGametooltip = ""
lookupKeyByQuestId =
GetTooltip = defined @int


@Necro87 No... different issue.

REF: #4999

This fix has been checked into Master but hasn't made it into a release yet.