


Current Feature Needs Updating and Improvement

Restomagus opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Feature: In the General tab is a toggle option to Hide Icons of Untracked Quests - This is good to unclutter the world map.

If I am not tracking a quest, and thus the nodes are not marked on my world map the 2 downsides are:
1 - The nodes are also missing on my mini map, I want those to stay on - Please either only remove marks on world map, or make this a separate toggle option as a modifier to the main option (and only let this be toggled on/off when the main feature is on)
2 - Much worse issue when untracking and thus map decluttering, the tooltip on the adds needed for untracked quests do not indicate that the adds are in fact needed for any quests - this should NEVER turn off, tooltip info that the mob needs to be killed or can drop a quest item should always be on no matter what
3 - When not tracking, so objectives do not show, another negative is that if the quest is complete the "?" does not show on the map, that should also always show if possible. Only objectives needed to become complete should not show.



Blizzard is in the process of unifying the code base across all flavors of WoW. The last to be implemented is Classic Era which just hit the PTR. This unified codebase also contains a new set of API's to allow addon authors to move away from using AceConfig. We're in the process of rewriting/organizing Questie Config. Once this work is complete, I'll get this feature written.