


Feature Suggestion for Hardcore : Quest Progress by Zone

Gogo1951 opened this issue · 13 comments


With the emphasis on Questing in the upcoming Hardcore Classic, this feature would be a fun way for players to compare progress with others.

Classic didn't have an achievement system, so showing the quests progress in a zone would be a really great way of saying, "I'm legit hardcore, I did all the quests." I think people would get a real kick out of that.

And it would help you keep Questie relevant with people who have switched to prescriptive route add-ons.

Here's the old suggestion. #2517


@MyTechnoHunter @Muehe @BreakBB


The only way to do what you're suggesting is to use QuestieComms to communicate your "Quest Progress" data with other players. I agree it would be fun but I think this feature would be quite spammy in terms of coms data being broadcast over the addon comm channels. Each player would have to cache the broadcasted data to reduce overhead. I can't imagine what that would look like overall and overtime. But, I didn't write the QuestieComms module so I can't say for sure.


I would disable this in-combat, and in-raids.

Maybe insert a block into a player tooltip, like...

Level 58 Troll Mage

{rt1} Questie
   {Current Zone Name} Quests          123  
   Total Quests                        456

Note, it would be trivial to include a thank you to QA testers and devs...

"Questie Team Member"

And it was always nice to have users chat with me in-game when they found me that way. These were some of the few positive experiences I had in Classic.

It's dirt simple code. And these Creator Tooltips would fit easy into the list.

Level 58 Troll Mage

{rt1} Questie
   {Current Zone Name} Quests          123  
   Total Quests                        456

   Questie Team Member

If you have the data it seems extra trivial to just include that in the "yell" updates so you could put it in tooltips on other players.


I'm aware this isn't in any tooltip, but just as a reminder in case you didn't recall, we already have this info displayed in the Journey window:

Quests by zone


You're missing the point. You can only get it for yourself.

Nah I'm not. That's why I started my comment with:

I'm aware this isn't in any tooltip


Many roads lead to Rome. Just wanted to let you know you can get that info out of Questie right now if you need it.


You're missing the point. You can only get it for yourself. That's... like a computer with no internet. Boring.

If you add that data to the yell update then you can put it in player tooltips, so when you mouseover someone you can see what they've done, and they can see what you've done. It's fun and social.


@Dyaxler The "yell" Gogo mentioned is one of the QuestieComms channels, just for vicinity instead of group/raid/guild.


Not sure what to think about this tbh. The data that needs to be "broadcasted" basically are just three numbers:

  • currentZoneId
  • #questsOfCurrentZoneId
  • #totalQuests.

The WHEN is indeed the bigger problem:

  • On quest completion
  • NOT in a raid
  • NOT in a PvP instance
  • Every X seconds?

At a first step we could just sent a single number which we also print on /questie flex.

Also about "Questie Team Member" - I hardly vote very much against it... again...


"Also about "Questie Team Member" - I hardly vote against it... again..."
hardly (not much)
heartily (very against)



I vote not as well. It doesn't really fit in with Questies "core" functions.

Just to make sure, I just voted against the "Team Member" feature. Showing how many quests one completed might be a neat idea, especially since we already have that information available.


Someone could easily write their own addon. Questie is fairly modular. It would be easy to just create an addon that shares this info along with other interesting stats. Course the only stipulation would be that both players would need the addon to share data. Very similar to how the world buff addon worked and the gear score addons. There are enough examples out there for even an unseasoned coder to use to make their own addon with this kind of functionality.

I vote not as well. It doesn't really fit in with Questies "core" functions.


Check out an AddOn called Hardcore Score, it has a scoreboard but don't think it shows data in tooltips of other players. Haven't used it for too long so still getting to know all the features.