


Map quest icons don't switch back to regular questie icons after unchecking "pfquest icons" option.

Cabro opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When you check it, normal icons are changed with the pfquest icons, instantly.
If you uncheck it, they remain the same, and reopening the map doesn't change anyhing, only a /reload will make the icons show in line with the checked option.


8.8.2 wotlk


I just tested this on 8.8.2, still works without problems.

I did not change Muehe's toggle at all. When you toggle on and off it runs QuestieQuest:SmoothReset() which resets all the icon textures. However, I did notice that my recent changes does impact how icons are hidden in unexplored areas and the hide objectives for untracked quests.

Clearly, I need to rethink some of the logic behind that. @Cabro you can close this issue since it's not a bug. You can open another issue and reference Hide icons of untracked quests and Hide unexplored area Icons.


@Dyaxler You sure about that? I have the exact same problem on master, switch on and icons change, switch off and icons stay the same.


Just tested, this still works without problems on 8.8.1.


Is it possible to make small icons in pfquest as in questie, so that there are not dots but swords and bags?