


Recent changes affect how icons are displayed for Hide unexplored area Icons and Hide icons of untracked quests.

Cabro opened this issue ยท 6 comments


8.8.2 wotlk


Nothing seems to be changed after the fix.
The icons that are hidden because undiscovered areas don't take into consideration the "pfquest icons" option from what i see. Also the fact that my settings are forcibly changed after unchecking pfquest icons makes it really hard to see the changes. "always glow behind" forced on, "different color for each quest" forced off. Icon clutter forced back to 50.
They still don't turn back to regular questie icons on the map after unchecking "pfquest icons". /reload mandatory if you want to go back to questie icons.

The forced glow under map icons is no longer removed when you uncheck the option under map settings.


@Dyaxler that makes the kind of sense that doesnt.. if the first click (toggle pfIcons on) is instant.. stands to reason the un toggle should be too..


@Cabro You're flipping through the toggle's way too fast. When you toggle and untoggle the pfquest icons you have to wait for the draw queue to finish. Takes about 20-30 seconds to fully redraw all the icons. Don't shoot me... I didn't write SmoothReset() and there is nothing I can do about it unfortunately.

All works just fine in my client.


But it's not instant. When you first toggle it, it looks instant, but SmoothReset() basically reloads all of Questie in a stepped sequence. Sometimes you see the icons flash twice, sometimes you don't. But it does take a little time before it's all done. There is a lot going on "under the hood" you can't see while it's running.

Also, if you're testing/checking "Hide unexplored area Icons"... there is a little note about that. It was inserted into one of my commits from the PR earlier this month:

"NOTE: this feature relies on a Blizzard API to tell us if the area within a Map ID, X, Y cord is explored. This isn't 100% accurate as near as I can tell. It's not how we're using it, it's an issue with the API itself. I was in an area that according to my map, it was exposed yet, the API returned that it wasn't explored. As far as I can tell, the area ID's might be overlapping with a nearby area that isn't explored."

Again, none of my recent changes touched the pfIcon stuff. If it appears broken now, then it's always been that way. I'll take another look at why the pfIcons keep getting highlighted after they've been enabled. I noticed that in @Cabro video. Not sure why that's happening to him and not me.


They are highlighted after i unchecked pfquest, so theoretically it should run normal questie icons + force defaults. But since you can't see questie icons, you see the pfquest icons instead. With glow. Without random colors. With clutter 50. Hate pfquest, i won't test that anymore.


Copying testing results from Discord to here. In summary, it takes 20-30 seconds for the redraw queue to complete when you flip on the option (Part 1 and Part 2 below).

However, if you start flipping on/off other options before the process completes then it resets and takes longer for things to show up properly (Part 3 & Part 4 below).

Forgive the slightly degraded resolution... it only allows videos under 10mb per file.

Part 1 - Enable pfIcons


Part 2 - disable pfIcons


Part 3 - Weird highlighting


Part 4 - Self-correcting.
