


The icons for a quest are being reconstructed each time after any progress instead of just updating tooltips to reflect real values.

Cabro opened this issue ยท 6 comments


This has started to happen between and just recently.

This is very distracting. Especially if you have a quest that has icons all over the map.
Not only is this distracting, but it's causing micro-stutters. It is 100% from Questie, as the microstutters stop happening after quest is complete and there's no more icons on the map.


8.8.2 wotlk


I'm not experiencing the same "redraw" issue you are with Irradiated Crystal Shards. Before looting the quest item, I did have my map open.

There are checks in the code to prevent this from happening each time there is a Quest Update. _DetermineIconsToDraw() is the primary check function that handles this. There is a key in the "quest" table AlreadySpawned and it's built upon accepting a quest. Once built, it stays there during a play session and is rebuilt each time a player login or reloadsUI. If the AlreadySpawned key is missing for an objective, then it's added during a quest update.

The only way icons would be redrawn like you experienced in your video is if the AlreadySpawned key is somehow getting wiped out or not created at all. It might be quest specific.

After all that I did find the bug.

[11:07:13] DevTools: value=QuestieDB:GetQuest(8301).sourceItemId
[11:07:13] [1]=20402

[11:07:16] DevTools: value=QuestieDB:GetQuest(9641).sourceItemId
[11:07:16] [1]=0

In QuestieQuest:UpdateQuest() I made a change to resolve one of your other bugs for zero objectives:

...we're wiping the AlreadySpawned and Objectives keys each time you loot a quest item BECAUSE there is a sourceItemId in the DB. This is why it didn't repro for me with Irradiated Crystal Shards and does repro for you.

I have a fix... I'll check it into my PR.


Oh this is interesting, i just chose that quest because i know it had a lot of quest map icons, but seems it was unrelated to that. Come to think of it, i also saw it happening with the daily for Argent Tournament for the worm meat quest


I was surprised this bug was triggered by something so logically simple... it forced me to double check all the other workflows where we wipe AlreadySpawned keys. I think we're good.

Another reason why bug reports should be as detailed as possible. No matter how small the detail, what we "think" is the issue turns out to be something else entirely. ;) As was this case... I really thought it was an issue with the Clustering Code.


@Cabro is there another quest that this repro's on? All the ones I've tried don't do this... the only character I'm attuned with for BWL has already completed this quest you're on. I really don't feel like soloing the BWL attunement on my level 72 Priest much less soloing BWL just to get to that step you're on. :D

Put the quest icon cluster as low as possible. I use 1.


It's back.

