


Quest Root Samples too many objectives on map causing freeze

sipertruk opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Root Samples is an herbalist lvl 16 quest, the objectives are in herb nodes.
The problem is that sprocket type nodes are shown all over the continent resulting in a 10s freeze at every refresh.
It's too many to be shown. Beside herb node locations are different across different server database so it's pointless to show any.


I'm going to do a few things, first off there is some code in the main branch to handle this situation that hasn't been ported into the TBC branch, and also im going to put a limit on the max number of points shown per objective, no quest objective needs that many points for it's self


This issue also affects the Mage class quest "Items of Power" which requires Jade. It populates the map with THOUSANDS of nodes. This actually results in the client becoming unresponsive for several seconds on login, and then for several seconds every couple of ticks.

Game is unplayable with Questie enabled while on this quest so I had to disable the addon.


@Xaero252 that is actually a questieTBC specific issue, as the main vanilla branch doesn't use the new DB


Interesting - I'm not even sure the best way to approach a solution for this. Disabling the nodes entirely seems a bit excessive, perhaps merging nodes within ~20yd of eachother or so to reduce the number of nodes shown? Or excluding profession nodes?

And yes I am using QuestieTBC on 2.4.3.


Duplicate of #504