


Translations missing for Tracker zone and category names

248bdh opened this issue · 4 comments


Some quests without clear goals will only display 'completed'.
This type of quest is usually a quest that can be completed directly, such as delivering a message or searching for a certain NPC.
In fact, at this point, a simple quest description should be displayed instead of 'completed'.

Additionally, I noticed that you have closed the localization project on curseforge.
So I have to provide feedback here.
Some quest projects lack traditional Chinese translation.
They are in the document 'Questie\Localization\lookups\lookupQuestCategories.lua'.

The following is the translation content:

l10n.questCategoryLookup = {
[-1] = "史詩",
[-21] = "萬鬼節",
[-22] = "季節性",
[-23] = "地城",
[-24] = "草藥學",
[-25] = "戰場",
[-41] = "亡者節",
[-61] = "術士",
[-81] = "戰士",
[-82] = "薩滿",
[-101] = "釣魚",
[-121] = "鍛造",
[-141] = "圣騎士",
[-161] = "法師",
[-162] = "盜賊",
[-181] = "鍊金術",
[-182] = "製皮",
[-201] = "工程學",
[-221] = "藏寶圖",
[-241] = "錦標賽",
[-261] = "獵人",
[-262] = "牧師",
[-263] = "德魯伊",
[-264] = "裁縫",
[-284] = "特殊",
[-304] = "烹飪",
[-324] = "急救",
[-344] = "傳說",
[-364] = "暗月馬戲團",
[-365] = "安琪拉戰爭",
[-366] = "春節",
[-367] = "聲望",
[-368] = "入侵",
[-369] = "仲夏火焰節",
[-370] = "啤酒節",
[-371] = "銘文",
[-372] = "死亡騎士",
[-373] = "珠寶設計",
[-374] = "復活節",
[-375] = "感恩節",
[-376] = "情人節",

Please add them to the traditional Chinese translation document.
Thank you!


What exactly are you trying to translate with your strings for lookupQuestCategories.lua? What do you mean by "Some task projects lack traditional Chinese translation"?

What I mean is quest classification.
For example, the character I play is a warlock.
His quest classification will be displayed as 'Warlock' instead of '術士' in traditional Chinese.
This will make me feel confused.
The document 'lookupQuestCategories. lua' should be the quest classification document.
I translated it.
Please import it into the traditional Chinese translation document.


In fact, at this point, a simple task description should be displayed instead of 'completed'.

This is actually already a feature, it's just not the default. If you set Objective Color to be anything other than the first option, Minimalistic...
then completed quests will show the Blizzard completion text, instead of just "completed".

Thanks for the localization contributions - I'll work on inputting them.


What exactly are you trying to translate with your strings for lookupQuestCategories.lua? What do you mean by "Some task projects lack traditional Chinese translation"?


Hey @248bdh thank you very much for providing these translations.

I'll make sure to add these very soon. In the current state they actually can't be translated and I am a bit confused why we didn't notice that earlier. So thank you also for pointing it out! 👍🏻