


Quests in progress

Zalaan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Under the 'Icons' tab, is it possible to get a separate "window / box"., as well as an icon for Quests that are 'in progress' in the "Icon Overrides - Quests" part of the "Icon" tab. Perhaps a separate colour for the quest available icon "!". That you cover so many options now is great, but it would be nice to be able to glance at the minimap or world map and be able to quickly differentiate the quests that have been accepted, but not yet completed.
Thank you for your consideration (and also for the great addon, of course)


not sure what you are asking.. when you pickup a quest, the ! icon is no longer on the map.. instead the objectives for the quest are, based on the type of icon/pfQuests icon style you choose.. the turn ins are on the map, yes but not sure what you mean? flesh out your ask please.. details help!


Responded to email I received from you, but just in case I needed to put reply here, I have copied what I said -

Sorry if confusing. On my screen, the yellow "!" used for 'available quests' stays on the minimap and world map until the quest is completed and then it changes to a yellow "?". I thought that if there was a 'box' (or whatever it is called) to choose an icon for any "in progress"quests I could use it to select an alternate colour/icon from your range to show when a quest had been selected, but not completed, (ie. it is partially completed or in progress).

If I have an error in that the map is still showing the 'quest available' icon (even after it has been selected), then do you have any suggestion on how to rectify the error. For example, should I just uninstall questie, and delete the saved variable file, and then reinstall?


do you have any other addons that might touch the map? and play guides? or even the points of interest that blizz has?
can you test with only questie enabled? (if you haven't already done that, that is)


I will go addon by addon to test. LOL, it has been a task I knew I should do, but I realize it will be a portion of my life that I will never get back again ...... sigh! Thank you for your responses to me submission. Kind of you to take to time.