


Modules/QuestieTracker.lua:225 attempt to index local 'quest' (a nil value)

wbb1977 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



I currently use it on the WoW Vanilla "Light's Hope" server and randomly the following error message appears:

"Modules/QuestieTracker.lua:225 attempt to index local 'quest' (a nil value)"

I am using the current Questie master branch together with EQL3 13.6.2

Thanks for your great work!!



Thanks for the report.

Could you please send a list of quests you were on when this error happened? Something like this is usually triggered by a specific quest. I could just introduce another nil guard, but I'd rather know why this error happens first.


Unfortunately, I do not have a complete list of my quest log during the time the error appeared, so I am not sure if it possible to back track the error to the quest causing the error. Luckily, I recorded the gameplay when the error appeared. I usually track all quests for the zone I am in. In the video I tracked all quests I worked on in Desolace. I uploaded the relevant part to YouTube, maybe it helps:

Thank you for the background info and for looking into the matter. Next time if it happens, I capture my complete quest log for future investigations.


Could it be related to the failure to complete a quest due to full inventory? Perhaps questie does some logic when you press the complete quest button without checking if it was actually completed successfully? Then you moused over the quest in the objectives list and it triggered the error.


I think you right, I can follow that. Pretty sharp eyes you have. Quest was still active but not on the internal Questi tracker table.


@ZoeyZolotova Was thinking along the same line. IIRC the quest finish event is not being used but rather the click-event of the buttons in the quest log UI. This was due to a problem with quest events differing between different server cores I think.

By the way, nice to see you alive and hopefully well. ๐Ÿ‘‹


Could this still be an issue?