


Handle quests which require you to have any of a list of professions

BreakBB opened this issue ยท 3 comments



The Shifting Scale Talisman quest needs to be hidden, when you do not have Tailoring, Leatherworking or Blacksmithing on skill 100+.

In order to do that, we need to change the requiredSkill field to allow multiple <skill,value> pairs and adjust the logic around that field to follow the change.

Questie & WoW version



If/when this logic is added, the same treatment should get Gaining the Advantage (11875) #3475


I thought about giving this one a go but I have a question.

Suppose I were to change requiredSkill to a table of a format equal to the reputationReward (a nested table? a table of tables?), using the compilertype u8s24pairs. This would cause issues since the autogenerated database files since they format the requiredSkill as {393,1} and not {{393,1}} (example from classicQuestDB.lua:786).

How would one modify the database files to generate {{..,..},...} structure instead? Or maybe this is totally the wrong approach anyway?


Nice, it's great you are looking into this!

@Muehe and @Logonz are responsible for generating the base database. There is SqlLua which is used to transform the cmangos database to the Questie format.