


QuestTracker look n feel

hjortmar opened this issue ยท 6 comments


The quest tracker is too big, it would be preferrable if it was resizable and/or cleaner like the default quest tracker / eql3 tracker.
Not a bug but I would almost prefer to use something else only for the size of the tracker.

These quests are Horde only yet they show up for me as Alliance.
Identifying the Brood
Armry of the Black Dragon
Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern


/run QuestieTrackerFrame:SetScale(0.5)


Is it possible to change the opacity of the background aswell? For some reason I am unable to add some quests to the tracker.


Thjortmar the problem with it flashing is because when questupdate event gets triggered EQL by it self shows the tracker, to fix this we would need to edit the EQL code.


confirmed, some quests shows up even if they arent for your faction.
and some quests shows even if you already done them.
+1 for resizable tracker


Would it be a huge endeavour to replace EQL3? There is an issue where its questtracker flashes by every minute or so.
What you want from EQL is the two page setup and WHDB support.


Ah alright, I would like the addon alot more if it removed the need for these other addons (you cant really use the default layout for the quest log).

Do you need the names of quests that shouldnt pop up for the respective factions?
Should I keep reporting them in? Also is there a way for me on my own add quests to be ignored on the map or do I need to wait for updates?

It would also be helpful if the addon could show what prequisite quests are required on the tooltip.

Good job so far anywho!