


UI quest turn ins are not working.

Cagomei opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Bug description

The UI pop up to turn in certain quests is not currently working.


Questie & WoW version

Classic Cata. I am using the most current version of the GIT HUB copy as of 11:14pm 5/5/24

I do apologize. It is version 10.0.6. it looks like the last PR was from Cabro black listing brewfest. A couple of the quests i experienced this on are the kill quests in northern stranglethorn vales for nessingwary camp. The tigers and the panther.


Hey @Cagomei

11:14pm 5/5/24
Is not as specific as it seems, as it depends on the timezone you are in ๐Ÿ˜… It would be helpful to know the actual version: v10.0.5 or v10.0.6?

Can you tell on which quest(s) you encountered this? That will be helpful to reproduce the issue.


It would be great if you can double check the pop up is indeed not showing. Atm there is a potential issue with the positioning of it, so it might be off screen. It is attached to the Tracker, so if you move that a bit further away from the edge of your screen you might see it.


If you have this option to something else than what it is showing in the screen, then it might be off screen.

As these pop ups are something entirely new to the game (and therefore Questie), we might miss some edge cases as well, so thank you for reporting this.


It would be great if you can double check the pop up is indeed not showing. Atm there is a potential issue with the positioning of it, so it might be off screen. It is attached to the Tracker, so if you move that a bit further away from the edge of your screen you might see it.

This was the issue for me. Until an update or so ago, the remote-complete popup appeared anchored to the left edge of the tracker. Now it appears anchored to the right side, and if your tracker is on the right side of the screen, the popup will be off-screen. Had to move the tracker way to the left for the popup to become visible.

EDIT: if it matters, most of the arborcide chain starting from "Runaway Shredder!" to "Defend the Gates!" showed the popup anchored to the right side of the tracker.


most of the arborcide chain starting from "Runaway Shredder!" to "Defend the Gates!" showed the popup anchored to the right side of the tracker.

Thank you @entroscopy that is very helpful for us to test it. We are also already working on a fix for the location of that pop up. For now you should be good to set the setting in post above to "Down & Right" if your Tracker is on the right side of the screen and to "Down & Left" if the Tracker is on the left side of the screen.


That is in fact the case. It seems to be anchored to the right. Thank you for the quick responses.

EDIT: It seems that the UI anchor is based on where the window is, I unlocked it and moved it all the way to the right edge and now its showing up to the left of the tracker, but as soon as i move it away from that right edge it goes back to the left.


Fixed in cdbf026

The next release will contain this fix.