


Cata Classic - Error during initialization! Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:320: table index is nil

xStampo opened this issue ยท 32 comments



I've updated questie on Cata Classic today to version 10.1.0 using wowup client with curse forge. After this update I started getting message [11:52] Questie: [ERROR] Error during initialization! Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:320: table index is nil

Info from BugSack:

1x Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:320: table index is nil
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua"]:320: in function `GetOrCreateCallbacks'
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua"]:272: in function `AddCallback'
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua"]:238: in function `ContinueOnItemLoad'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Libs/QuestieLib.lua"]:326: in function `CacheItemNames'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Quest/QuestEventHandler.lua"]:226: in function `func'
[string "@Questie/Modules/Libs/QuestieCombatQueue.lua"]:25: in function <...eQuestie/Modules/Libs/QuestieCombatQueue.lua:17>

self = Frame {
 0 = <userdata>
 AddCancelableCallback = <function> defined @Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:277
 GetOrCreateCallbacks = <function> defined @Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:316
 FireCallbacks = <function> defined @Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:292
 callbacks = <table> {
 GetCallbacks = <function> defined @Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:312
 ClearCallbacks = <function> defined @Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:308
 AddCallback = <function> defined @Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Classic/Item.lua:271
itemID = nil
callbacks = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"

Steps taken when trying to resolve issue:

  1. Reinstall weak aura using reinstall function in wowup
  2. Try Beta channel version (installed via wowup)
  3. Try Alpha channel version (installed via wowup)
  4. Scan and repair folders using blizzard tool and then using stable channel version (installed via wowup)

Having the same issue, also occuring on one char only, when other chars are fine. It broke the moment i entered deepholm, tried using old backup addon and wtf versions, deleting saved variables, swapping char specific variables from the one that it works, disabled all other addons butr questie and deleted cache. None of theese changed a thing.


I have exactly the same problem on one character. But when I go to a level 10 character, he doesn't have this error.


Please test by disabling all but questie
If it's still errors let us know


Please test by disabling all but questie If it's still errors let us know

I did, but it's still the same


I also have this error on one character as of 12 PM EDT this morning. I have version 10.1.1
questie error


Oof, can anyone post any of the errors or screenshot them for us?
Are all of you seeing the same as the original poster?



Tried with no add-ons, the same outcome. Don't see the quest log on the left side, can't track quests etc. Can't get the lua error to show


I also get the same 320 error, I've deleted saved variables and deleted and reinstalled questie. and loaded wow with only questie turned on. it builds the database and then errors out. I'd also like to add the minmap button is non-interactive. but you can change settings via the addons option menu. it wont show the tracker, map points, quests on the map, nameplate icons. At one point it was still tracking objective completes but not anymore. rolling back to the the last known working release (10.0.11) for me did not fix it either


Hey @xStampo @Vasobral @Virhen and @fizzrate

Can you do me a favor and manually install the following Questie version and check if that helps with the error?

A bit of background: The error itself happens inside the Blizzard API and it is most likely related to specific items. Looks like some data is corrupted on Blizzard side and we have to work around it.


having the same issue, happy to try a test version


Go ahead @tyrantrook I edited the comment above


Thank you for the quick update, unfortunately I am getting the same error. I have completed a few more quests (currently questing in Hyjal only) before this new version if that is relevant. Another character of mine in early Hyjal does not have this error.


I have the same exact issue. I tryed the new patch you posted, same thing


Did the error change in any way @fizzrate ?


I do not think so
questie error 2


Is there a debug command to see what it's trying to read from that table?

still the same error.


Is there a debug command to see what it's trying to read from that table?

I have yet to get any clue what is causing this error at all. Poking in the fog atm.


Hey @xStampo @Vasobral @Virhen and @fizzrate

Can you do me a favor and manually install the following Questie version and check if that helps with the error?

A bit of background: The error itself happens inside the Blizzard API and it is most likely related to specific items. Looks like some data is corrupted on Blizzard side and we have to work around it.

Tested and same issue sadly.


That seemed to fix it.


Can one of you test if removing your alchemy quest makes the error not happen?


We are getting reports that this error can also happened with non-alchemy quests so it may help or it may not


Can one of you test if removing your alchemy quest makes the error not happen?

it actually does fix it


So it looks like the item for the Alchemy Quest is an issue now we just need to figure out what other items for the other type of quests is causing issues as well


OMG abandoning Transmutation Mastery quest did it!


tested the version, not fixed. also took the advice of dropping the alchemy quest more specific Transmutation Mastery as well. questie works again. So is it related to the quest or truegold?


So it looks like the item for the Alchemy Quest is an issue now we just need to figure out what other items for the other type of quests is causing issues as well

To be fair, I had none of the items gathered for the quest yet, just the quest itself. But the quest does have a "reward" of "
"Trasmutation expert"


Awesome, thanks for testing this!

I'll built a fix right away. Looks like our DB contains some retail item IDs, which breaks like that.


Reinstalled the cureseforge release to test if it was fully related to the quest. it is.


We just shipped a release to fix this. Please grab v10.1.2 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Thank you so much!


It seems to be working but getting this now
questie error 3


66705cc trying to do so many things at once, this slipped through the cracks.