LUA Error in Version 10.3.6
lokisilverblade opened this issue · 4 comments
1x ...Ons/Questie/Localization/lookups/lookupOverrides.lua:5: attempt to index field 'deDE' (a nil value)
[string "@Questie/Localization/lookups/lookupOverrides.lua"]:5: in main chunk
l10n =
InitializeLocaleOverride = defined @Questie/Localization/l10n.lua:33
questLookup =
zoneLookup =
objectNameLookup =
continentLookup =
SetUILocale = defined @Questie/Localization/l10n.lua:178
GetUILocale = defined @Questie/Localization/l10n.lua:186
questCategoryLookup =
translations =
Initialize = defined @Questie/Localization/l10n.lua:50
PostBoot = defined @Questie/Localization/l10n.lua:103
objectLookup =
private =
npcNameLookup =
zoneCategoryLookup =
itemLookup =
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
1 = "Einen Vorteil gewinnen"
3 =
(*temporary) = "Einen Vorteil gewinnen"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
1 = "Bringt dem Abgesandten Mordin in Shattrath 8 Netherrückstände."
(*temporary) = "Bringt dem Abgesandten Mordin in Shattrath 8 Netherrückstände."
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'deDE' (a nil value)"
Oh damn, this is bad. Thanks @lokisilverblade looking into it right away.
@Cabro did you not test it with another client? 🙈
Oh, no worries @lokisilverblade ! That wasn't meant for you 😁
It's great you reported it right away, thanks ❤️