


Quest level range description

Nock-git opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm currently working on the translation into German, whereby I noticed a trifle. The description of the Level range in which the Quest should be shown seems screwed. Please check minLevelFilter and maxLevelFilter and their description.


Are you saying the in-game or the translation? And are you using the latest translation version from enUS or the version in deDE? I checked both and the wording seemed off in the deDE but was fixed (changed) in the enUS version of the translation.


I'm working with the most current source code so it's in the appropriate files. But they are both the same for this section:

['LOWLEVEL_BELOW'] = "< Show below level",
['LOWLEVEL_BELOW_DESC'] = "How many levels below your character to show. ( Default: %s )",
['LOWLEVEL_ABOVE'] = "Show below level >",
['LOWLEVEL_ABOVE_DESC'] = "How many levels above your character to show. ( Default: %s )",

['LOWLEVEL_BELOW'] = "< Show below level",
['LOWLEVEL_BELOW_DESC'] = "How many levels below your character to show. ( Default: %s )",
['LOWLEVEL_ABOVE'] = "Show above level >",
['LOWLEVEL_ABOVE_DESC'] = "How many levels above your character to show. ( Default: %s )",

In my opinion the word below and above have to change in both Descriptions:

['LOWLEVEL_BELOW'] = "< Show below level",
['LOWLEVEL_BELOW_DESC'] = "How many levels above your character to show. ( Default: %s )",
['LOWLEVEL_ABOVE'] = "Show above level >",
['LOWLEVEL_ABOVE_DESC'] = "How many levels below your character to show. ( Default: %s )",

Maybe it's just missleading in the code and every things is fine ingame. Sorry cant's check because I'm waiting for classic xD and don't have an subscription now.


So I think you are reading it as "show quests above level 10, and below level 20" but it's "show quests X levels above mine, and Y levels below mine"


When writing the following lines, I realized everything:

Let me point out my misunderstanding:
If the player is level 15 LOWLEVEL_ABOVE (Show above level >) is maybe 20 (absolute), but the description reads it as the relative value 5

Okay so that's my fault both are relativ and everything seems right.
Thank you for your help!