


Quest 25591 Thunderdrome: Grudge Match! shown as available when it is not

TorpedoCXC opened this issue ยท 7 comments



According to the comments, there seem to be multiple prequests. I will test this quest by quest and will try to fix the issue.
This quest also has an alliance version.


Questie version


Game flavor



Completed all quests in Tanaris, but this one still does not show up. Was removed from the game maybe.


Most of the times, the quests that should show up but don't, have some unexpected conditions: race, prequestgroup needs one more quest id that you just didnt think about, or is exclusiveTo some other quest. Don't be fast to blacklist :)
I know that the alliance chain for that at some point needs some extra quests from south tanaris, maybe horde is the same?


I did this last week and it was fine. There is already a correction entered for the correct prequest from a few months ago (f8b03a4).

There is some event/rp involved with this quest line/NPC which means that the quest is not always available like a standard NPC (e.g. it can take a bit of time to reset properly after someone else attempts the event).

Don't believe there is an issue to fix here.


Fixed in 7fa961b

It's an improvement to the previous correction.


Am I right to assume, that this also tells Questie that if I do the quest that is marked in nextQuestInChain first, that this will disable the breadcrumb quest? So we do not need to add both attributes for one quest?

This is correct. If a quest is a basic breadcrumb quest, then using nextQuestInChain is preferred over exclusiveTo. But since nextQuestInChain can only hold a single quest, you can't use it in all scenarios and sometimes a quest is indeed exclusive to multiple others.


@BreakBB I have got a general question regarding the commit.

You removed the exclusiveTo attribute from the breadcrumb quest and added the nextQuestInChain attribute instead. Am I right to assume, that this also tells Questie that if I do the quest that is marked in nextQuestInChain first, that this will disable the breadcrumb quest? So we do not need to add both attributes for one quest?


@coldpasta123 Your assumptions seemed to be correct. I revisited the area today and guess what, the quest was available.
